You are meant to glow

Your glow is like a pre-lit Christmas tree, and letting the lights burn out can lead to even more overwhelm and burn out.

Putting up our Christmas tree this year, we were reminded that we have a little trouble with some of the pre-lit lights. Last year I think we just ignored the small band that was out. Fun fact- ignoring the problem doesn't make it go away.

Anyway, this year the amount of lights that were out were pretty hard to ignore.

So I grabbed the cool Christmas tree light tool we bought last year and put it to WORK!

It's essentially a volt meter to test for electricity flow. And what I learned in YouTubing  how to use the darn thing (it's actually super easy and totally worth getting), was the importance of replacing the burnt out bulbs.

When there are several hundred lights on a tree, having a few burnt out doesn't make a big difference visually.

But when a light is burnt out, it causes extra current load, extra strain on the rest of the lights on the strand. And makes them burn out faster.

So it's actually super important to take care of the small things, before they become big things. Before the whole tree looks far from the easeful glow it's designed to share.

Just like you.

When I’m trusting and being myself as fully as possible, everything in my life reflects this by falling into place easily, often miraculously.
— Shakti Gawain

You x Pre-lit Tree

In a way, we are all like a pre-lit tree. Full of glow, warming up the spaces we are in with just our presence. And each unique with the memories and experiences that make us truly special.

And sometimes a light burns out, and maybe no one notices the slight dimming of that glow. Maybe we let it slide. And that little extra glow energy nudges the other parts of you to glow harder. And another goes out. And another.

Then a whole section goes out.

Maybe you're at that point.

Where you're trying as hard as you can and it only seems to cause more strain, more pressure, more bulb popping moments.

And now you feel so burnt out that you don't even know where to start. If only you had a tool to help you figure out what areas you need to address to get your glow back.

The Firefly Scout Illumination Kit is just the tool you need. It is a guided journey toward knowing yourself better, addressing the many small ways that you are feeling overwhelmed. So that you can glow more easefully.

I’ve curated all of the tips and methods that worked for me on my own journey of feeling stuck in life, overwhelmed at times with my career and motherhood and feeling like I’d lost the sense of my true self by fulfilling the needs of everyone else first.

With a few moments a day, you can use this tool to test different areas of your life and figure out what lights you up. And with a little bit of mindfulness, replacing what's not working with what will, you will feel more like your whole, glowing self.

Even Mother Nature agrees that it's the perfect time for this and is here to inspire you by example starting with the Winter Solstice. For the next 6 months we will be gifted a moment or two more of glow each day until we reach the Summer Solstice. You may not notice now, but these small steps each day are leading up to something pretty great.

Rediscover the magic within you and go deeper than maybe you ever have before, getting to know different parts of you and how you best show up in this world. Learning how to really let your glow show for the world around you to enjoy and celebrate, one day at a time.

If this sounds like something you need for regaining your glow, learn more about the Illumination Kit and start your journey today.

So Now What?

Self reflection journal prompt to help discover what will help you live a life you love

Not sure how to start journaling? Download my free guide and get started.

I'm taking notice of my bulb popping moments and reflecting on what's the right replacement bulb for me. My journal is a place where I can let my thoughts blurt out and start to process my thoughts and feelings. Using the open pages to capture what I’m feeling and start to see a way through.

And I bet you're having a few of your own. 'Tis the season.

So take a step in revealing what's holding you back from growing your glow. Grab the Illumination Kit and start making it more easeful to live a life that lights you up.

With all that gets jammed into the end of the year festivities, remember to take some time for yourself to reset and recharge.

Take care of all parts of yourself and your unmet needs so that you are prepared to spy some of the magic of the season.

And if the Illumination Kit sounds like something you need under your tree, forward this email as a big hint (or buy as a gift for yourself) and I'll be sure to send over a wrappable certificate with your purchase.

Any questions? Leave a comment or send me a message on Instagram .

Sending you inspiration to live a life that lights you up!

*post may contain affiliate links

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