Embracing the Seasons of Change in Your Life
Fall is quite literally a season of change. A season of shedding what we need to, to be prepared for the upcoming season. Taking a look outside your window, (at least here in Michigan) could show you Mother Nature literally releasing things every time the wind blows. Leaves and twigs are floating and dropping to the ground with each rustle of the branches. The trees are drawing back to their core essentials and strengthening their roots, preparing for the season ahead.
This season is ideal for some types of growth. A time for things to take root and thrive, even when outside conditions seem less than perfect.
We also can't be going, going, going all the time. That is a recipe for overwhelm and burnout. It's a good time to be aware of that tendency and pressure in our own lives and take time to raise our awareness of what is no longer serving us, trim back, and release.
Following the Rhythm
Life is an on-going cycle of seasons and rhythms. Tapping into what each season offers helps us flow through the journey of life and gain what we need from one. There are certain things I like to think through this time of year, that through this season we decide what will prepare us for what’s ahead, leaving us confident with what is left for the journey we’re on and make plans for the next step.
By knowing ourselves better and knowing ourselves more deeply, we can honor the spirit of what Mother Nature is modeling for us.
“To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time to every purpose, under heaven”
The Pace of change
Again, with Mother Nature as a model, these changes don’t happen overnight. Pops of color spring up one leaf, one branch at a time. If you notice, some branches have a single arm of color right away while some seem to be waiting for the right moment to initiate change on another.
Let this be a reminder that transformation is beautiful and unique, however it happens. Your own journey will follow its own sometimes haphazard continuum of change.
It doesn’t happen all at once or on a certain schedule.
It doesn’t happen the same way.
There is no one “right” way.
Don’t worry about what others think or how they are doing it. All that matters is that you ready yourself for your own transformation journey to let your colors shine.
Change through Growth
Does your transformation journey need a boost?
This season can be a time of growth, even though the conditions seem less than ideal. The days are shorter, winter is coming. But here’s a secret… some plants are best planted in the fall. Trees, grass and cold hardy plants live for the cool, rainy days while the ground is still warm.
This can be your own season of change through growth. What do you feel inspired to explore? What seeds do you want to plant in this season? Knowing that not everything is suited for this season of life, it helps to make a choice based on your interest AND capacity.
Make a list of things you feel the nudge to explore-
things you are currently interested in
hobbies you said you’ve wanted to try in the past (or it’s been far too long since you did) and still hold interest now
Pinterest ideas you’ve saved
books you’ve wanted to read (suggestions here)
experiences you wanted to experience
sensations or feelings you want more of
I explained my whole process of how I make a list of things I want More (or less) of in my life in this post. It’s a useful exercise when you are needing some prompts to name some of these things and come up with a tangible list that will help you take the next step.
If you still are stuck for ideas of what hobbies even strike a sense of inspiration for you, check out this article on UpJourney.com. I was honored to contribute my thoughts on how to find a hobby as an adult. Hint, it can even involve your favorite TV show that just exudes all the fall vibes.
Fall (Personal) Growing Tips
Take the list and prioritize the top 1-3 to tame the overwhelm of trying to do ALL THE THINGS RIGHT NOW <- so guilty of this one. Then take a look at your capacity. Honor your season of life and see what time, energy and space you have to do some of these things. If this leads to a wop-wop bummer of a feeling or a skyrocketing of overwhelm, keep reading for the next tip.
Brainstorm different ways that you can “plant” your top picks. There will be obvious answers, but I want you to get creative with this too. Figuring out the different types of “seeds” you can start with will help you come up with what works for you in this season. For instance, if you want to learn how to play the piano, you probably have an idea of how you to start.
This list could look like-
Get a piano or keyboard (buy or borrow)
Find a teacher and schedule lessons
Practice for an hour everyday
Stress out about the recital in 6 months
This method of seed planting is sure to stress you out and give you so many excuses about why it seems impossible and maybe this was a dumb idea anyway.
Or… you can break down the elements of learning how to play without sabotaging yourself from the start.
Practice good posture
Watch YouTube videos on learning how to play
Print out a keyboard template to start practicing finger positions
Do hand strengthening exercises and stretches
Start to notice the bass line rhythms versus the treble line melodies in songs
Practice keeping a steady rhythm of a beat
Pick out a song that you are interested in learning to build motivation
Both lists include all elements of learning how to play the piano, but some definitely require more effort, stress and expense than others. Pick the type of “seeds” that fit into your life in this season, ones that will work with capacity of the flower bed of your life. Starting with even one of the things on the list will help you plant that seed and see how it grows from there. Finding a different path toward the growth you want to experience helps set your intention and mindset toward the bigger result you are looking for and let you slowly take consistent steps toward.
Another way to narrow it down it to name what you want More or Less of in your life. I explained my whole process of how I make a list of things I want More (or less) of in my life in this post. It’s a useful exercise when you are needing some prompts to name some of these things and come up with a tangible list that will help you take the next step, like identify a new hobby to try.
With that list, see how you can use that as a springboard to find a class, online community, activity that will get you around other people who are being active in the same interests and be a good place to plant some seeds of friendship.
For Your Future Self
There are also certain bulbs and seeds that we plant now for future seasons because they need the quiet, cold incubation period to reach their full potential. They actually find their strength to show up and shine in the springtime by tapping into the power of the quiet, of the stillness.
If you are feeling the overwhelm, the feelings of burn out or the soul crushing exhaustion of the past two years and every day on the news, know that it is okay to fully embrace this as a reason of rest.
This type of preparation is something our future self will thank us for, for doing a little work now, planting those seeds or bulbs in the ground, so that you can take a break for yourself, and used that stored energy to bloom when the seasons change again. We don't plant our tulips, crocus and daffodil bulbs now expecting them to come up in a few days like we do for seedlings in the spring. We plant those ideas, those intentions, knowing that they are gathering strength, engaging in restorative practices, and creating slow magic for future you to see.
“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven”
Give yourself a break
You don’t need to take a whole season off to experience the benefits of giving yourself some quiet. Last month we went on family vacation to Myrtle Beach, right before Hurricane Ian came through. And I took a step back from the business for a few days. Spending less time on my phone, more time in my journal and in a new book and as my oldest called it, getting obliterated by the waves.
And all was well with world.
No one called me out for not posting anything, not even my usual Fri-yay moment. But it did give me some space to enjoy the experience more, say yes to another ride down the waterslide.
It was not all family sunshine (I did appreciate the rays from Mother Nature though). There was yelling over getting homework done, heavy dinner negotiations to eat something more than a bread product and general tension that comes up with concentrated togetherness time. But overall, it was a great break and making me super appreciate the new fall routines we are settling into.
How can we prepare ourselves for that experience?
Take your own break
I want to encourage you to take your own sort of break. You don’t need to literally dig yourself a hole to crawl into, but you can carve out a pause from your everyday. A vacation from your normal and see what it has to show you.
Designate a day where you do less and say yes to something new, just to try it. Decline some meetings, skip a practice, read a book, pull out one of those pandemic crafts you started, go to bed early.
Maybe someone will be mad that you weren't there to contribute.
Maybe they won't even notice you were gone.
Maybe it will help you appreciate your routines better.
Maybe it will give you a mental refresh as you take a time out.
Maybe your head will feel clearer after some journaling, a walk or a dance party.
Maybe you’ll get a bruise, some dirty clothes, a sore muscle as evidence that you lived a little out of your ordinary.
Maybe you'll come back with a different appreciation for the life you have and the one you are working toward.
It might not be all sunshine and rainbows, but the overall experience will be worth it. You are worthy of taking a much-needed break. And seeing what kind of seeds this plants for you about the shifts you’d like to make in your life, how you’d like to show up as more.
Celebrate Change
Change is inevitable. The seasons of life prove that to us time and again. When we stop fighting it and start embracing it, we can look forward to all it can reveal to us. We admire the way that the leaves change on the trees. Let’s also take some time to admire and celebrate the beauty of our own changes that are happening.
Take some time in your journal and reflect on these writing prompts for fall and to use throughout each season of change in your life.
Journal Prompts-
What is something I need to release in this season?
What change am I looking forward to in this next season?
What opportunities for growth am I ready for?
What part of my roots need nourishment and attention? Where do I feel depleted?
What change about myself can I celebrate right now?
Build your curiosity to keep knowing yourself better and taking small steps to keep growing your glow. Keep track of the changes in your Evidence Journal so you can see how they add up throughout the season.
And just like the lessons we learned from the trees, your unique transformation journey might be the inspiration someone else needs for their own. Share your experiences with others as you live your life as a Firefly Scout.
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Stephanie Rose is a mom, wife, business owner and a forever student in finding ways to know herself better. She acts as guide for your own journey, sharing insights, tools and practices to help you remember your magic and live a life that lights you up. Sign up for her newsletter and check out her free resources.
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