You are meant to glow
Your glow is like a pre-lit Christmas tree, and letting the lights burn out can lead to even more overwhelm and burn out. Read how you are more like a tree than you think and the tool that can help restore your glow.
Embracing the Seasons of Change in Your Life
Fall is quite literally a season of change. A season of shedding what we need to, to be prepared for the upcoming season. Learn how to notice the changes happening in your own life and how to prepare for a future season of growth.
Naming Your Unmet Needs
I have to admit something to you.
I have long resisted clicking on Instagram ads. You can see them a mile away. They are always so "life changing" and "miracle" products. But they helped me recognize some unmet needs and take steps to address them,
Allow it to be easy
Show of hands, do you feel your life is hard, complicated?
No one wants to hear that it’s their own fault that things are the way they are, but it’s true.
Pop Quiz: Your Biggest Distraction is Closer Than You Think
Quiz time!!
Quick, name something you do 50+ times a day, generally without thinking. Click to find out what’s the culprit and how to break the habit.