Posts in Why
An Evidence Based Life

We all have our “I’ve got to see it to believe it” moments. When we can’t just trust that things are working out or that we are making progress on our goals. Especially when real change is not something that can be easily ticked off on a tracking sheet. When you are looking for evidence of personal growth, intention setting or living a life that lights you up.

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Let Your Spirit Soar

Do you have a moment that you use as a marker, a touchpoint?

These moments help you mark a moment in time. To reflect on how much progress you’ve made, how much growth you’ve experienced as a result of the start of something new; the moment your life made a 2-degree shift and the whole new place you are today.

They can also work as an anchor point to help you orient yourself as you explore, acting as a point of reference as you try all sorts of ways to blaze a trail. But with time, you look how much this is holding you back.

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5 Non-Fiction Books for Your Personal Growth Journey

Are you like me? A total book lover by nature. I remember in junior high making a trip with my mom to Waldenbooks (RIP) and buying the latest Baby-Sitters Club book each month. And when I used to travel for work, wandering through the airport bookstore was a favorite place to pass the time. Somehow the potential of going to new places by air and in my mind was a new level of intoxication. Read on to see how they can help with your personal growth journey.

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Tell me more

You’re intrigued, but want to know more about the Illumination Kit and how it came to be. Does it contain the content you need to grow your glow. I understand. You’re scouting things out.

Take a look at the video overview for more details about what is in each Illumination Kit. I’m so excited for you to commit to growing your glow and sharing it with the world!

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What's in a name?

For a long while, I had an idea but not a name the captured the spirit of these guidebooks I was creating. The original name I came up with just wasn’t resonating as my concept evolved and shifted. I had brainstormed a list of words that started to capture the essence, but it just wasn’t coming together. One night over a bonfire (and a beer), sitting under the summer night sky with my husband, we stumbled into something that started to feel right.

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WhyStephanie Rose