Aligning for Action: Collecting the Dots for Clarity
You know the phrase Connect the Dots?
When you try make sense of things by connecting pieces of information to create a story?
That is great, but in order to connect the dots, you first have to COLLECT the dots. Building a story requires elements, points to build from. And better building blocks create better stories.
You say, great point but how do I do that?
It starts with slowing down and noticing.
One of the books I'm currently reading is called The Book of Ichigo Ichie. (It's by the same authors that wrote IKIGAI)
It talks about the making the most out of every moment in an aware, intentional way.
Being present.
Collecting what seems interesting.
See what sparks.
“The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.”
This doesn’t come from a place of efforting or over-trying. It is more settling into you BE-ingness. Shedding the stories that we carry for ourselves or to please other people. Reaching into the bedrock of who you are and the vibration that you resonate. It is getting quiet in your mind and see what draws your attention.
Know Yourself
We often seek more answers when we are in a time of transformation. Crisis, unexpected situations, when new information is presented, when the long resisted inevitable has happened. Life is always impacting us, but there are times when we are undeniably at a crossroads and unsure of where to go next. Wanting to connect the dots on how to move on from here.
Seeking answers to help us see the best way forward.
And beyond.
In this time where you are slowing down, take some time to name what you are going through. Don’t start to tell yourself that you can skip this step. That the most important thing is to leave this moment, as fast as possible. It’s uncomfortable. You’re ready for the next thing to begin. To leave this place of being behind. But it’s important to remember that you can’t know where you’re going if you don’t know where you really are.
Take a pause and ask yourself some of these questions to help you get a sense of where you truly are, what you are wanting to leave here.
Where do you feel the most pressure in your life?
What parts of your life are you wanting a change, wanting answers?
What step are you avoiding taking most?
What anxieties are speaking loudest?
How are the emotions from yourself and others affecting you?
What “shoulds” are trying to have a say in your future?
Naming where you are takes courage. It is a form of acceptance of the reality of things you are living in. It shows you are taking ownership in your role on this journey and that the outcome from here matters. This place will be a reference point for wherever you go from here. And help you know when you’ve reached there. In other words, it’s a big effin’ deal!
Now you are here, and you have a sense of where that is. I hope that gives you a sense of stability. Let’s give this place a name, because we know that when we can name it, we can tame it. This process is a journey. Give it a quirky trailhead name like you might see on a hiking map.
Procrastination Station. Lost Love Cliffs. Bluffs of Overwhelm. 'Fraidy Cat Falls.
Naming it gives you a bit of space from the current moment. It can give you a sense of perspective and a birds eye view of things. Reassure yourself that you may not know how right at this exact moment, but you're going to get through this.
Then pause to get your bearings. And start to notice and make a list.
Look for the Dots
If you are feeling stuck or uncertain about the next steps in your personal or professional life, remember that sometimes the key to moving forward is a matter of gaining clarity and aligning your future actions with your goals. Whether you're looking to make a career or relationship change, start a new project, pursue a personal passion or figure out where to go from here, collecting the dots can help you achieve the clarity you need to move forward with purpose. Give yourself some mental, physical and emotional permission to relax and open yourself up to what the universe has to show you.
When I was building up to the decision about leaving my corporate job, I made a lot of lists of things that I noticed. What parts of my job I really enjoyed and what I could really do without. Noticing what drained me and what filled me up. I played with what I wanted more and less of in my day, what task flow felt the best. You can check out my process here.
I also had to acknowledge how I had a greater purpose within me and that the path I was on wasn’t going to get me there. I was wandering around I’m-Finity Canyon, and it was time to find a way out. I talk more about this spot in my journey on The Manifestation Mama podcast. You can listen here- Apple | Spotify | Google
Your Journey From Here
Owning up to where you truly are takes a lot of courage, so give yourself some encouragement for tackling that big step. A literal self-hug or pat on the back, a written pep talk note from yourself, or pausing to notice your daily yay.
Once you’ve opened yourself up for receiving the answers, see what starts to reveal itself. Taking a moment to pause, breathe and look around with a fresh perspective allows you the space to let a dot catch your attention.
A clue to piece together.
Give yourself some space by-
intentionally pausing several times a day and let your gaze wander out a window
write in your journal
take a walk in nature
read a juicy book
take a nap or engage in intentional rest
tune into how your inner knowing communicates with you
Name where you metaphorically truly are and begin to notice pieces of evidence or synchronicity. Then notice how you can connect the dots.
We lose ourselves to living in the past and the future with worries and stress.
The key to living a life that lights you up is to live in the present.
Use this prompt to help you start to notice more about how you navigate your life and the journey of living a life that lights you up.
You can collect your dots in a notebook, on your phone, but try to not keep them all in your head. You already carry enough in there and you need to preserve that space for the magic to happen. Writing them down helps your inner self feel heard and gives you a visual playground for your eyes to dance.
“Sometimes, only paper will listen”
I created the Evidence Journal for your special dot collection. For the synchronicities, the nudges, the somethings that might be nothing, the moments that make you pause.
Put them in one spot and use it as a starting point for connecting your dots! Feel the courage to take the next step of aligned action with this collection of evidence and connections. Your journey to living a life that lights you up starts now.
Happy dot collecting!
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Stephanie Rose is a mom, wife, business owner and a forever student in finding ways to know herself better. She acts as guide for your own journey, sharing insights, tools and practices to help you remember your magic and live a life that lights you up. Sign up for her newsletter and check out her free resources.
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