Unlock Your Intuition: The Benefits of Learning a New Language

Have you ever wanted to tap into your intuition and access deeper levels of understanding? If so, learning a new “secret” language could be the key to unlocking your inner wisdom.

I took French in high school, know Sesame Street level Spanish and hella good with Google translate when I'm sending messages to my Croatian genealogy contact.

I love language and words.

A few months ago I even happily went down a rabbit hole looking up word origins in different languages for possible names for something I'm working on. I feel the nuances of what they each mean and sometimes let the desire to say it just right get in the way of getting anything out. Needless to say, language and communication is fascinating to me.

But this new language I'm learning is MUCH more nuanced, much more innate and intrapersonal.

Intrapersonal: occurring within the individual mind or self
— Dictionary.com

Know Yourself

The language I'm learning is the one that originates in the deepest part of me. It's the way that my inner knowing communicates with my being, stemming from the Splenic center. How do I know this?

Hang on for the woo, but it is all based on the date, time and location of where I was born. That information is used to create your Human Design bodygraph.

(you can create your own here if you are curious)

It creates a map of how you are wired, your strengths, tendencies and fears based on what energies were present in the universe at the moment you were born. These energies create definition in your chart and can be pulled together to tell a story of how you are designed to show up in life. It speaks to your life purpose, the fears and places you might get stuck and what types of expression light you up. Of course it doesn't just hand you the answers, because what would our life journeys be without the adventures of remembering and uncovering our magic?!

But it does give you a place to explore from!

Find Your Rosetta Stone

One of the primary elements of knowing you Human Design is your authority. Your authority is your embodied decision maker. It is important to remember and distinguish that this authority is never your mind. Good thing since we know what a jerk it can be sometimes. Have you listened to your self-talk lately?! It’s how your intuition speaks to you, in its own way. The knowing that comes from your authority is calmer, encouraging and never urges you to make a decision out of fear or lack.

Understanding my Human Design authority is sort of like having the Rosetta stone to my soul. Knowing how it speaks to me and shares its “secret'“ language has helped me build up trust within myself and guiding me forward (when I get quiet enough to listen). Helping me better see and connect the dots about how to show up best in the world.


I'm talking all about it on this episode of The Uncommon Couch podcast with Dr. Alyssa Adams.

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In this episode I share about-

  • my journey of discovering and knowing myself better through Human Design

  • recognizing and honoring my splenic authority as a Projector

  • connecting the dots about leaning into what I know about myself

  • how I notice signs of everyday magic and collect the evidence to make more confident decisions

Learning a language from a book is one thing, but it's a whole other experience gaining confidence and fluency by putting it into practice.

Listen how I stumbled into Human Design and how it's been a part of my journey in knowing myself better.

Go Within

You have your own inner language that you speak.

Connecting with your authority as the voice of your intuition will give you confidence to navigate your life and know when you need to pay attention to something.

Even without the lens of Human Design, you can begin to notice how you best make decisions, what fears are a red thread through your life and the nuances of where and when your confidence shows up.

Journaling is one way I am able to clear the mental clutter, connect with my inner world and reset my spirit. Use this journal prompt to help you start to notice more about how you navigate your life and the journey of living a life that lights you up.


Go queue up this podcast episode, get yourself out for a walk, in front of some laundry or in your car and give it a listen. See what resonates with you and let it inspire you to get more curious about how your inner knowing communicates with you.

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Happy listening!

And if you are curious to learn more about your "secret" inner language, leave a comment or send me a DM on Instagram and I would l-lo-love to guide you through it.

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Stephanie Rose is a mom, wife, business owner and a forever student in finding ways to know herself better. She acts as guide for your own journey, sharing insights, tools and practices to help you remember your magic and live a life that lights you up. Sign up for her newsletter and check out her free resources.

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