Refuel Your Heart With Intention

This month has a lot of talk about love.

Whether through self-care, self-love, improving relationships, you're probably hearing a lot about it.

But at the heart of it (groan, pun), what all of these messages are trying to convey is showing up for yourself in one way or another.

Naming a goal or intention and take steps toward making the shift you desire.

And that takes COURAGE through ACTION.

Nothing changes overnight.

Change happens through taking aligned actions, of showing up for yourself, noticing and collecting the evidence until you reach a tipping point in your journey.

But nothing changes if you don't START.

I want this month to be the start of something for you.

Where you set a deliberate intention, name how you are showing up for yourself and notice the journey you are on by tracking the evidence.

To help you get started, I created a printable for you.

Showing Up

I love the power of a streak, but when you're just getting started and you aren't clear yet on what you even want to be consistent with, it is helpful to take some of the pressure of yourself and just start noticing when you do show up.

Set the intention to show up for yourself and at least one of your unmet needs. For inspiration on naming what those are, check out my journal entry about it here.

Giving yourself a place to start from that addresses something that’s been pulling on you. And then explore all of the different ways that it can be addressed.

For example, an intention to refuel your spirit can look like-

  • Taking a walk and noticing beauty around you

  • Daydreaming looking at the clouds

  • Reading a book

  • Car karaoke on your way home

  • Savoring a favorite food

  • Calling a friend

  • Wandering through a favorite store

  • Wearing a favorite outfit, perfume or accessory

  • Journaling and releasing mental tension

Rather than focusing on being consistent on just ONE practice, name a bucket’s worth of actions that would refill that unmet need and have fun playing with them. And give you a range of opportunities to make them happen.

Build the Evidence

As you do each of these actions over a week, month or season, keep track of the evidence to show you that you do in fact, sometimes take care of yourself. Notice how it feels to look back and remember how it all felt. Then recommit to yourself and fill it out again, seeing if you can improve on your consistency and doing the activities that restore you the most, more often.

This practice can be a stepping stone to exploring ways that light you up and including them far more regularly.

If you find value in this kind of exercise, I encourage you to check out the Firefly Scout Evidence Journal.

Use the same foundation to start noticing more moments of magic in your life and collecting the evidence to help you build awareness of life happening for you, not to you.

Make connections between moments of synchronicity and all of the ways you can support yourself on the intentional journey toward living a life that lights you up!

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Firefly Scout- founded to guide women toward living a life that lights them up

Stephanie Rose is a mom, wife, business owner and a forever student in finding ways to know herself better. She acts as guide for your own journey, sharing insights, tools and practices to help you remember your magic and live a life that lights you up. Sign up for her newsletter and check out her free resources.

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