An Evidence Based Life

We all have our “I’ve got to see it to believe it” life moments.  When we can’t just trust that things are working out or that we are making progress on our goals. 

Especially when real change is not something that can be easily ticked off on a tracking sheet.  When you are looking for evidence of personal growth, progress on life goals, intention setting or living a life that lights you up.

Our minds are fickle things, often being selective about what we remember and what sticks with us. As humans, we are naturally predisposed to remember the negative moments more than the positive in an effort to keep us safe.

It's what helps us create the stories of our lives, based on the evidence we choose to see.  And often following the same well-worn paths with the same perspective. 

The facts are always friendly, every bit of evidence one can acquire, in any area, leads one that much closer to what is true.
— Carl Rogers

When a little ping, a something manages to stand out, pique our awareness, we may spend an extra moment with it, but then quickly let it go into the swirl of life, onto the next thing.

Like the blink of a firefly, gone before you could really see it, yet leaving an imprint of a feeling, a little wisp of something we missed.

But what if we could help our minds remember certain pieces of evidence, collecting them and seeing things in a new way when the small details are pulled together in one place?

Creative intuition based personal growth journal tracker for a life full of magic

Ready to notice your life in a whole new way? Use the Firefly Scout Evidence Journal to keep track of those small moments of magic.

Notice the Good

The Firefly Scout Evidence Journal will help you take all of the bits of something and see them in a whole new way.

Intentionally collecting the evidence will help your mind have the proof of your dreams feeling within reach, your intentions working, your vision board manifesting, and start to feel the magic happening, one small shift at a time.

Each of the custom templated pages will give you the spot to collect the evidence to reframe your mindset about how you are progressing on your goals, living a life with intention and building a trust in your intuition. 

This unique journaling practice is especially helpful when you are working on a long-term goal or building habits to support a healthier, glowier version of you.

It’s easy to miss and forget the little moments that let you know that you’re on the right path and the ripple effects of the changes you are making.

This journal is specifically created to help you start to notice all the ways that your consistency is paying off and that the universe has your back.

The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for your senses to grow sharper.
— W. B. Yeats

It may feel a little ‘woo’, but nudges, signs, evidence from the universe are all around you, just waiting to be noticed and ready to guide you toward living a life that lights you up.

The more you align your energy and actions toward the heart-centered goals you have set for yourself, the more the universe conspires to turn that dream into your reality.

The process becomes so much easier when we take the moment to notice and appreciate the small shifts that add up along the way. To give your mind something to grab onto that encourages your journey, rather than hold onto the ways it believes will keep you ‘safe’ from change.

But expansion is inevitable when we follow the dreams in our hearts. The power of compounding ripple effects as you keep taking the next right step.

It's time to start collecting the evidence...


Evidence of Change


Simplify to Amplify