The Affirmation Based Goal-Setting Practice that feels like magic

With the ending of any cycle, whether it be a project, a evolution, or school or calendar year, it is inevitable to think about what’s next. The new year is often used to signify the literal start of something new as the calendar rolls over and compel us to set new resolutions or goals. And since time marches on no matter what, it is worth it to find some alignment in the natural flow of this cycle. In a prior journal entry, I talked about the importance of building your runway, however that looks. Missed that one? Read about it  here .

To help prepare myself for the amazingly awesome, superiffic goals I'm considering for next year and following a piece of my own advice, I've been using the power of affirmations to build my runway and incorporating them into my goals for the year.

Thoughts & affirmations

We think like a bajillion thoughts per day. Okay maybe not quite that many, but a quick check of the google box suggests that we have between 6,000-70,000 thoughts per day. And many of them are repetitive.

I'm sure you've heard about the power of affirmations before too, especially if you have read a self-help book or two. Affirmations help carve out new neural pathways to shift your mindset, quiet negative thoughts and inspire life changes.

They are a version of a goal, inspiring you to focus your attention on a desired outcome. It's one of those things that I fundamentally understand the power of them, but don’t always feel like I have them figured out so that they reliably work for me. I have the same trouble with gratitude at times. Some affirmations are easier to embrace than others, just like goals we set for ourselves.

Power of Affirmation based Goals

I love the power and nuance of words and influence of the subtleties in the energetics and meaning of something. Because of this connection, I deeply feel that words matter and can inspire or defeat us. So when we are talking about the words I use for my affirmations and goals, they need to resonate with me. And when we’re a match, it’s magic.

The ones I included on the mirror cling I created connect with that frequency I am attuning myself to with my morning routine. But something about the blanket use of affirmations hadn't fully resonated with me, especially when I was using them to help with naming and acting on my goals (versus embodying a state of being). Especially when my goals are a bit scary.

Until I learned this trick.

I can modify them to be a stretch rather than a leap from where I'm at.

Let’s walk through this using one of my goals I’m playing with as an example-

I am a best-selling author.

While this is definitely something in the spirit of what I want as my goal and can be used as an “I am” affirmation, it feels like an improbable leap for me. Despite the fact that-

  • I read tons of books, so I have an appreciation for what a good book looks like

  • I’ve collected evidence that my writing really connects with people

  • I’m almost never short of ideas to explore

  • I’m incredibly persistent when something is important to me

Even with all of this, it can be a challenge to truly believe that this goal is possible for me. That I’ll be able to figure it out and show up enough to make it happen. I’m sure you’ve felt a version of this too. Imposter syndrome. Limiting beliefs. Doubt creeping in from that “helpful” voice in your head.

When goals haven’t worked before

There can also be resistance to this because a part of me actually DOESN’T want to meet that goal. That being a best-selling author would end up being overwhelming. That my private, HSP, introverted nature wouldn’t be able to handle being THAT visible (I mean authors are like celebrities to me). That my safe and comfortable life would change too much.

Some versions of my past goals and dreams coming true might not be what I actually wanted, or I’ve feared would be more than I could handle so I’ve subtly sabotaged myself without even recognizing it. The class that never gets signed up for, the projects that don’t get finished, the journal that never gets opened, the career advancement never pursued, the self-help practices never tried.

I know I’m not alone in this. Reflect back on a goal you’ve set for yourself and come no where near meeting. How confident were you that you could meet it? Who were you really setting that goal for? How much did you set yourself up with a runway for success? What sub-conscious fears could have been at play each time you tried to take a step forward?

Knowing yourself better is a key element in setting better goals. This includes-

  • Understanding your underlying fears and motivations

  • Knowing your values

  • Feeling connected with your inner knowing and soul’s purpose

  • Naming who’s on your team (and who’s not)

  • Having a mindset practice that works for you

All of these components are part of the Firefly Scout Illumination Kit. Compiled into an easy to grab journal, the practices and processes I went through to know myself better are outlined in easy to follow practices. Taking these steps of aligned action and self-discovery inspired me to really start living the journey toward living a life that lights me up.

So now what?

As I’m playing with the list of possible goals I want to prioritize for the next year, I’m applying all of self-knowledge I’ve collected so far. They may not fit into the classic SMART goal format, but I’m using it to craft my Goldilocks affirmation based goals that feel just right.

Instead of declaring that I am a best-selling author (and all of the baggage that comes with it), I am orienting myself toward the goal that-

I am the type of person who writes best-selling books.

Sharing this affirmation-tuned goal with my mind phrased this way is maybe a step or two down from being a best-selling author, but it inspires me to believe that this is possible. It gives me a safe way to step into the ring, to start of associating a part of myself as being a writer. This version of the goals gives me a whole lot of other points to align my actions with. It inspires me to build practices that I associate with being a persistent, successful writer. It helps me flip the switch and start tuning my frequency into the energetic of what it means to have my words recognized and celebrated by others. It makes me feel like I can do writing part with less of the self-sabotaging pressure I’ve imagined authoring a best-seller would bring. It gives me ways to collect evidence that I am becoming more of a writer and celebrating the successes along the way.

And it’s a goal that feels like magic to me.

elevate your day

Goal setting affirmation journal prompt for creating goals that make you feel good and in alignment

To keep elevating my frequency to match my daily, short and long-term goals, I’ve been adding writing out the affirmations I need to hear for the day in my journal. Using the same thought process as I used for the goal process, I’m tweaking all of my affirmations based on where I’m at that day and what I need. Sometimes I need a realignment boost. Sometimes I am feeling the buzz to level up. I'm continuing the practice of building my runway toward my future with this practice in my journal each day.

It takes just a few minutes and I’ve started doing this as soon as I sit up, before the mind in me is too much awake. Planting these thoughts first thing helps me align my thoughts with the frequency I want to embody along with motivating me to take aligned actions throughout my day.

It's like a triple win.

Do an intuitive scan of your inner and outer self and notice what you need. Take what comes up for you and try this trick. Start with a goal or affirmation and reword it starting with the phrase I am the type of person who... and see how it feels. To support me for my writing and business goals, I came up with-

I am the type of person who easefully attracts sustainable, authentic success.

When you’ve found the right words, you will notice a lack of resistance in believing it and it will feel like a pep talk that gives you the spark you need for the day.

Write out as many as you need across a few different topics or write them out several times to hone in on one. Some days this will feel more challenging than others. Write out a few sentences to help you notice where resistance is coming up and then give it another whirl. This is meant to be supportive and fun, so meet yourself where you are at.

If this sounds interesting to you, give it a try. You're already thinking the bajillion thoughts anyway, so think a few intentional ones at the start of your day and see where it takes you.

Does this inspire you to try using this method of affirmations? I personally love writing them down, but thinking/saying them to yourself in bed, in the shower, with your first sip of tea or coffee, really anytime, will help realign your thoughts with your dreams.

And let me know what you are saying to yourself. I'd love to cheer you on!

Leave a comment or send me a message on Instagram. Sending you inspiration to live a life that lights you up!

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