The Affirmation Based Goal-Setting Practice That Feels Like Magic
With the ending of any cycle, whether it be a project, a evolution, or school or calendar year, it is inevitable to think about what’s next. Learn how using just the right words to set goals and affirmations that are in alignment with your whole self will let you stop the self-sabotage and spark the magic within you.
Let Your Spirit Soar
Do you have a moment that you use as a marker, a touchpoint?
These moments help you mark a moment in time. To reflect on how much progress you’ve made, how much growth you’ve experienced as a result of the start of something new; the moment your life made a 2-degree shift and the whole new place you are today.
They can also work as an anchor point to help you orient yourself as you explore, acting as a point of reference as you try all sorts of ways to blaze a trail. But with time, you look how much this is holding you back.
Perfection over Perfect
Perfect or perfection?
Similar words, but can guide your life in wildly different ways.
Mindset Monday- Growth is...
Growth is not a straightforward progress.
Growth is a choice...
... a journey
... an evolution
... a habit
... a mindset
Growing your Glow
As part of Happy YOU Year, I spent the week on Instagram highlighting how the Illumination Kit can help you with that. Let’s walk through an element in each of the guides and use it to grow your glow this week!
Change our hearts
Today I want to talk about our hearts, and opening them to change. Did you know that the heart develops before the brain? It is our first source of energy. We don't have consciousness yet, but it establishes a knowing within us.