Change our hearts

There's love in the air! Valentine's Day is this weekend and my kids are so excited! I think it's about the candy, but I'll be sure to love on them a little extra anyway, even when they are bouncing off the walls! I think even without the sugar we are all bouncing off the walls a little bit.

Open Your heart to change.png

Today I want to talk about our hearts, and opening them to change. Did you know that the heart develops before the brain? It is our first source of energy. We don't have consciousness yet, but it establishes a knowing within us.

This year has revealed a lot about ourselves and our friends, family, acquaintances. And it has highlighted the unequal systems in our society. It has created a palpable tension and added stress as we address the systems and unfair practices and evaluate our part in making meaningful changes to our society. As we go through this process, we need to make heart centered decisions, to live our knowing.

Our greatest strength lies in the gentleness and tenderness of our heart.
— Rumi

Feel your heartbeat. Know that we are all united by that heart energy. Let's live our lives from that heart energy instead of from our mind. Let's beat as one heart so that we can help each other to get through this, to create the changes we need in the world. Live from the heart, let our hearts change our minds.

Let’s make the choice to change. Let’s start now. Take a moment today to do this brief meditation I created for you to help you with your journey and ready your heart for change. It all begins with a single step.

Do you feel like you are ready for a change?

To live a life that is filled with your inner glow?

To let that heart energy shine!

I'm extending the discount I shared in my newsletter my Galentine's Day special bonus! Through 2/19/21, when you buy the Illumination Kit and use the code GALENTINE30, you'll receive a free 30 minute coaching call to help you set a goal for your journey and prepare yourself for growing your glow and living from your heart. This guidebook will help you feel like you are living life a life that lights you up, with clear action steps and accountability along the way. You'll feel the love throughout the journey when I pop into your mailbox with cards of support and encouragement. I encourage you to take a look!

And if you need a reminder about how amazing you are and all of the potential you have inside you, because we all do sometimes, here you go.

Are you resisting change? Ask yourself why and really listen to your heart, not your mind. Don't judge what your heart has to say. I'm sending you confidence and permission to have that conversation with yourself. To live a heart centered life.


Mindset Monday 02/15/2021


You are not alone