Today would have been my mom’s 71st birthday. This is one of my favorite pictures of her and I keep a copy by my desk. It was taken 30 years ago this June and I’m the same age as her in this photo. That feels completely weird to say, that anything that feels so close to my heart could be three decades old.
I wonder what she was thinking when my dad took this picture, up in a hot air balloon. How much it inspired her. I imagine she feels a bit free, feeling the magic of life floating high above the landscape. I imagine that her heart feels light and a bit giddy at the experience. I imagine that she feels as if she still has more life ahead of her than behind her.
Life’s too short to not have fun. To celebrate our wins, our successes, our joys, our love of life and those in it. We don’t always have the time we think we do. And sometimes tomorrow never comes. At least not in the way we imagine it will.
“Happiness is letting go of what you think life is supposed to look like & celebrating it for everything that it is.”
So I’m shifting my mindset this week to deliberately celebrate life and live with a sense of joy. You don't need a special reason to celebrate. Celebrate love, friendship, success, all the times you tried, celebrate before the moment passes you by. I’m celebrating this list and so much more-
My fitness streak (443 days strong and counting) and the head clearing moments it has given me
My body and the amazing feats it has accomplished (2 beautiful babies, crazy half and full marathons)
My family’s health (not a small thing these days)
My ‘flaws’ and ‘faults’ for the unique beauty they bring to my being
All the things I love to dork out on (here and here and here)
Launching a business and those that are cheering me on (having this evidence means the world to me)
Making my ‘bucket list’ of everyday moments & habits I want to include in my daily life
Opening myself up to change and growth
The abundance mindset I am developing
The amazing friendships I have created and nurtured this year (seriously I love you all)
Celebrating more of the things that make a life full and memorable
Laughing with myself through it all
And today, I’m using this special day to celebrate my mom, starting with brownies, her favorite treat. Betty Crocker doesn’t have anything on this fudgey goodness I whipped up. I am not a food blogger, but these were even better than the boxed mixes we made growing up whenever the day just called for it. So in this moment as I enjoy this amazing brownie, my current reality is a bit sweeter than my memory, but with a stomachache and sugar rush to prove it.
What is holding you back from true happiness, to have your heart feel light and giddy? What are you holding onto that is no longer serving you? What dreams are you saving for ‘tomorrow’? Life is twice as sweet when you let go of the baggage of what you think life should look like and start making progress on your dreams. We have no guarantee of tomorrow and you don’t want to live with the regret of another moment passing you by. Let’s live in the glow of a life fully lived.
“You glow differently when you’re actually happy.”
I challenge you this week to celebrate with me. Celebrate all the things! Live a life that truly makes you glow. It’s the best way to honor those that have loved us and be a role model for those we love and interact with.
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Stephanie Rose is a mom, wife, business owner and a forever student in finding ways to know herself better. She acts as guide for your own journey, sharing insights, tools and practices to help you remember your magic and live a life that lights you up. Sign up for her newsletter and check out her free resources.
Do you feel like your life is on hold? Ignoring the discomfort of not living a life you love to preserve a mask of security? Discover the true power of understanding what lights you up and using the power of that inherent knowledge to live a life you love.