Remember Your Awesomeness (before setting your goals)

Welcome to 2023!!! We made it! And in this world, that's no small feat.

But what doesn't happen when the clock turns, the confetti falls and your children blast their horns in your ear (ugh) is that you magically turn into a new person, a new version of you.

Those changes, those shifts happen one step of aligned action, one moment of courage, one magically charged thought after another.

The You Inside

I also don't think that you need to change who you fully are. You maybe just need to know yourself a little better.

I know at least a little bit about you, just by being the type of person who’s willing to share a few moments of your life with me here on your phone or laptop.

And I can tell you're already pretty awesome.

But in the busy-ness of life-ness, we forget to prioritize going deeper into ourselves, going further into the wilds our souls want us to explore.

We sometimes just need the nudge, the reminder to remember, to tap into and connect with the true self that is in each of us.

So before you go diving into the New Year, New You, I want you to make your own list of your awesomeness so that you can use that to build from rather than think you need to start from a clean slate.

Grab your journal, Firefly Scout Evidence Journal, a piece of paper or start typing-

  • what compliments have you been told?

  • what do you love most about your personality?

  • when has your laugh or smile changed someone's day?

  • who would say that you have been there for them?

  • when is a time that you felt the most alive?

  • what is something people would say reminds them of you?

  • what are some kind things you have done?

  • where do you feel most like yourself?

  • what obscure, minute or under-appreciated talents do you have?

  • how has your mere presence given someone strength?

Make that list of all that things that you have evidence you do well, where you have felt success, how you show up as your best (awesome) self.


If you like having a starting point for your journaling, I shared another journal prompt on Instagram this week that will also help you with an alignment calibration for your goals. Check it out here.

So now what?

With the turning of the calendar, we can use this as a reminder to recalibrate our lives.

To remind ourselves of who we truly are and to reset our practices into exploring this life journey with purpose and curiosity.

To then set goals that will add depth and meaning to our lives, that will grow our awesomeness.

And taking the next step of aligned action, courageous presence and higher vibration knowing it's helping you grow your glow and live a life that lights you up.

I'm using the whole month of January to remember my awesomeness and to rest, reset, recalibrate and reorient for how I want to show up for the coming year and I hope this helps give you permission to do the same.

May it inspire you to start this year off with a strong foundation of your sense of self and help you start to get a sense of where you want to head for the coming year.

I'd love to know more of what makes you awesome. Leave a comment and share a couple things on your list.

Sending you inspiration to live a life that lights you up!

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Stephanie Rose is a mom, wife, business owner and a forever student in finding ways to know herself better. She acts as guide for your own journey, sharing insights, tools and practices to help you remember your magic and live a life that lights you up. Sign up for her newsletter and check out her free resources.

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