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Life is an Experiment

Life is an experiment. 

It’s doesn’t come with a roadmap for life, but we can find guides to help us along the way. There are a lot of ways to get from here to there… some are a bit more scenic than others. And it’s more than just navigating the journey and reaching the end, it’s about how we feel about ourselves along the way. There are uncountable ways to navigate this journey, so it really is an experiment of sorts.

My Story

As a mom in her 40s, I know I’ve navigated a lot of life already.  And hoping I have at least as much ahead of me.  Early on, we have some markers to aim for.  Roll over, sit up, crawl, walk. And then the bigger leaps of starting school, learning to drive, graduating, deciding on college.  Then in my case, pick a job, buy a house, meet a husband, have amazing kids.  Bam! 


Overall, life is good, but sort of in that ‘fine’ sort of way.  I got here in one piece.  I’m navigating adulthood and not hitting any icebergs that are bringing down the ship.  I’m not saying those markers steered me wrong.  By all accounts, one would say I’m on the right path and living a successful life.  But what they didn’t do is encourage me to make my own way or deviate too far from the expected milestones set by family, society.  Always keeping the shore in sight. 


Maybe you didn’t follow the expected path out of rebellion or lack of support and stability, and you hold internal guilt or shame for the meandering route you took.  Feeling all of the shoulds hang over you. 


And as extra fun, life is in an extra wonky place right now.  But overall maybe you’re feeling like you are hanging on.  Not thriving.  Not loving much in your day to day.  But you know it could be worse.  So you are grateful for that…


…But you know it could be better.  I know, I’ve been there.

The Road Ahead

No matter how we got here, chances are we are all in the same boat, in the same harbor.  That even in this beautiful life you’ve created, you created it for the sake of (or in spite of) others, basing “success” on metrics that don’t always resonate with you. 


So while there are many ways to stumble our way to this current moment, what got us here may not be what we need to take us forward.  Let’s give ourselves permission to measure things on more meaningful metrics.  Like innate happiness.  Or soul inspired self-expression.  Or lives inspired.  It’s time to start experimenting!  To change up how we measure our lives.  To use a different set of markers to measure progress or success.  To live a life that truly lights us up.


How do you figure out how it could be better?

There are some simple places to start when you are looking for ways to consider adding some experiments to your life, to help you remember the magic within you.

Go inward

Take even a moment or two each day to ask yourself a question, to check in if this way of doing things is working for you, tap into yourself and see a different way for even a small shift to try.  My favorite methods are journaling, quiet moments on my daily walks or stopping to drop my shoulders and take a deep breath. 

Other ways include meditation, moments self-reflection in the shower or when taking that first sip of tea or coffee.  Start asking yourself why.  Begin noticing things about yourself that are serving you and things that are not. 


Build habits

Habits pretty much rule our lives, even when we don’t realize it.  The routes we drive, the meals we eat, the relationships we have.  They all fall into a pattern at some level.  So if you want to change something, start with changing a habit to reinforce more of what you do want.  Layering in something new to an existing habit is a great way to start.  Then you can pair them together. 

A great place to start is with your morning routine.  Adding in a moment of appreciation for the day ahead while brushing your teeth.  Or a glass of water in after the overnight fluids come out.  Even if you aren’t consistent at first, something is better than nothing.  Expecting to instantly have a habit will set up you for disappointment.  Don’t let negative self-talk pipe in to give its two cents.


Set intentions

Make a list of things you want to explore, check out or know more about and pick one or two things.  Build a curiosity that you feed daily in one form or another.  Always wanted to take better pictures?  Try more of the settings on your phone or download a new app.  Wondering what classes the local art studio is doing?  Find their website and check it out.  Not sure how to make homemade spaghetti sauce?  Pinterest is a click away. 

And I’m not saying that all of these moments of exploration should occur on your phone… but it is already in your hand.  Set an intention to use it more intentionally.


Don’t be afraid to add a little ‘what-if’ to your life

Things won’t change if you don’t ask a question or two.  Allow yourself to be curious and wonder ‘what-if’?

  • What if I told myself 5 compliments each time I look in the mirror?

  • What if I asked someone about how to write a novel?

  • What if I spoke up about something that is bothering me?

Trust that even a small shift, small changes are going to add up.  Believe me, even be brave enough to experiment with asking ‘what-if’ is going to push the throttle on your engines in a gentle way.  Now is not the time for grandiose plans and big proclamations.  It’s for asking questions and deciding on which theories to test, letting your eyes adjust as you begin to see the light within you.

What are 3 ‘what-if’ questions I can ask myself and reflect upon?

If you are looking for more guidance on how to play with creating your own map to explore these questions and really get to the heart of to stop feeling stuck and get started living a life that you love, download my free Glow Map mini-course.

See this content in the original post

Let me know what your what-if thoughts looked like and how it made your spirit feel with the opportunity to really ponder, what if. Comment or send me an email or DM on Instagram. Wishing you courage to explore your what-ifs and change the trajectory of your journey!

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