This Magic Moment

As I’m working to keep remembering the magic in me, I’m also being mindful to be open to the magic all around.

Maybe you think it doesn’t count if you are seeking it or creating the moments of magic. That it has to knock you over with amazingness for it to “count”.

But the real magic is tuning into all of the little experiences we brush past, letting the universe know that we value the small stuff.

Because then it will know it can trust us with the secret… That it really all is in the small moments.

So let’s practice looking for magic and soaking it all in

  • feeling the whole body love coming from your kiddo’s hugs

  • seeing the whole world around us

  • being aware of what our body feels when we interact with our environment

Tuning into the world around us and waking up our senses to all of the magic in our lives. Leave a comment if you are going to start tuning in. I’d love to know what you start to notice and feel.

One powerful way to notice the magic in your life is to take the time to write these things out in your journal. If you’ve struggled to journal before or need a new way to approach it, check out my free printable journaling guide. This stream-of-consciousness writing method really helps you tune into the magic of everyday moments and clears your mind so that you can take more aligned action toward your dreams.


Stephanie Rose is a mom, wife, business owner and a forever student in finding ways to know herself better. She acts as guide for your own journey, sharing insights, tools and practices to help you remember your magic and live a life that lights you up. Sign up for her newsletter and check out her free resources.


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