Personal Growth Stephanie Rose Personal Growth Stephanie Rose

Using a More/Less List to Live a Life You Love

Do you ever get stuck in that meh feeling? Or just plain stuck? Like nothing is feeling like it has direction? Or feeling like you’ve lost that sense of who you truly are and what lights you up? Find out how creating a simple list can help you know yourself better and start to live a life that lights you up.

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Mindset Monday Stephanie Rose Mindset Monday Stephanie Rose

This Magic Moment

As I’m working to keep remembering the magic in me, I’m also being mindful to be open to the magic all around.

Maybe you think it doesn’t count if you are seeking it or creating the moments of magic. That it has to knock you over with amazingness for it to “count”. Read on for tips to add the magic to your life.

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General Stephanie Rose General Stephanie Rose

A-ha Moments

This week or so has brought about a number of 'a-ha' moments I had and connecting the dots. That wonky feeling I'd been sitting with is blowing over and bursts of connection and inspiration are coming through. Read to find out more.

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