Anticipate and Prepare
As hard as it is to believe, we are closing in on the end of the year. This month has already thrown me multiple curveballs and there are still a few weeks left. December is all about the hurry up and wait. Anticipating and preparing for a few special moments.
Preparing for the holidays
Getting things ready
And waiting for certain moments
My kids have been making their wish lists and talking about what they are so excited for in this season. We have multiple countdown calendars and ways to mark the progress of the days. Each of them adds a little bit of magic to the anticipation.
With the magic that can be a part of this season, there is plenty of stress that comes with it, even with doing joy-filled things. It’s a change of routine, layering in MORE to our days that often already feel quite full. Add in a layer of feelings and traditions and it can understandably feel like a lot. And it’s okay to admit that not everything is easy with family or that some things bring out all the pine tree feels, pokey, needle-y, always requiring a refill and somehow thinking that something more will make it perfect.
Facing feelings, relatives, traditions
A to-do list that never feels done
Extra strain financially, physically, emotionally, logistically
One thing that is helping is taking a few moments to create a plan for navigating the stresses of the holiday season. Anticipate all of extra that’s part of this season, including the emotional adds as well.
List out the joys and stresses of this season
Knowing what special activities you want to make sure you do and making a plan for when they are going to happen
Writing out the list of people you are lucky enough to have in your life and thinking of something meaningful for them
Reflect on what went well (and didn't) in the past
How much time/funds will these extra activities take?
Once you have the list of the things you can anticipate, shift your focus to how you can prepare physically and emotionally. Prioritize what you feel will be the most memorable and meaningful for your and your family pod. Separate out the things that come out of obligation and don’t bring you joy. You have permission to take things off your plate. Recognizing what you don’t have the bandwidth for or comes at too high of a cost for your mental health and sanity helps you with boundary setting around how to spend all of your resources (time, energy, money). There is definitely less joy when you feel overwhelmed or obligated.
Take care of yourself
Prioritize the activities
Establish boundaries for self-preservation
Have conversations about traditions that are due for a change
Not everything is jolly this season, but a few moments to pull your thoughts and expectations together will give you a roadmap for navigating these last few weeks of the year. And open up space for small moments of joy to shine. This is an exercise I have done numerous times when the mental swirl feels too much. It may feel really awkward or uncomfortable to have some of these conversations. Or to put your foot down on things you’ve always done. And it may feel like two (or more) steps back, but I promise you it’s going to be worth it. Because sometimes that Christmas cookie with the messy icing tastes twice as good as the perfect piping because it was done with the messy, imperfect love of just enjoying the act of being in the moment.
And when you’re done, give a friend this gift of helping them see all that they are carrying and encouraging them to honor their feelings and where they are this season and take ownership in how they anticipate and prepare in their own lives. One of my favorite ways is to send them a little love (snail mail is one of my love languages) and help them feel seen through the holiday swirl. I truly love the honesty that Hey Weegs puts into her designs and will be sending a few out to my mom friends in the trenches. This one is certainly a favorite I know will help bring some truth, levity and humor to the year we’ve had.
grant me the serenity
to accept
the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
wisdom to know the difference
Leave a comment about how ready you feel ready for the holidays. And tell me your helpful tip for keeping your spirit bright through the season.
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