Personal Growth Stephanie Rose Personal Growth Stephanie Rose

Revamp Your To-Do List: A Hands-On Approach to Organizing Your Priorities

Tired of feeling overwhelmed and unproductive with your to-do list? In this journal entry, we’re exploring a unique approach to organizing your priorities and leading you toward taking aligned action. Whether you're a busy professional, a student, or a busy parent, this method is designed to help you boost your confidence in taking action and navigating your life journey with purpose.

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Mindset Monday Stephanie Rose Mindset Monday Stephanie Rose

Rethink your to-do list

Do you feel like you have 10,000 things on your to do list?

Between the day to day family stuff, work tasks, personal needs and bucket list desires, the list can feel overwhelming.

One thing I’ve learned to lean into is to pay attention to my energy and mindset. Read more to see how you can use this too.

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Mindset Monday Stephanie Rose Mindset Monday Stephanie Rose

Mindset Monday- Struggles

Each day has its own set of struggles and yet we figure out how to get sh*t done every day.

Some days our capacity and skill set align and others it feels like a dumpster fire. This week has started off with a stuck sort of feeling and not a lot of enthusiasm for doing the things. But I show up, and things get done.

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