Firefly Scout

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Reframe Your Life

This week we are focusing on reframing our stories and giving new life, new perspective to the things we believe and tell ourselves. It’s like changing up the recipe of your life, just a little tweak can take it a whole new direction. Are you ready to try a new recipe for your life?

You can reframe your story with one simple ingredient. Are you ready? Just add AND

You can use this recipe for literally anything that needs a bit of reframing. Take that limiting, dead end, low vibration thought and add a dash of AND.

Let’s try it-

AND is useful for adding more to the story. Adding a twist, taking it in a new direction.

So try it today. When you have a less than positive or helpful thought, add a dash of AND and see how you can reframe it into something with a better ending!

Tell me a thought you are reframing! Need help? Tell me where you are stuck and I’ll offer some ideas.