Mindset Monday 03/15/2021


Where were you when the world stopped last year? Could you have imagined the year we’ve been through?

A year ago was our last night of near normalcy. We went out for date night to celebrate my husband’s birthday. Two days later, the world seemingly shut down. Our day care hung in there for another week before it too closed. Weeks of pivoting and finding a new rhythm, stress of change and the unknown.

We all have our stories that we’ll retell years in the future from this time. But that’s the thing, what will you be saying when you retell these stories?

Will it be a story of struggle and woe or one of challenge and growth?

Reframe your story.

You have the power to choose the moral of your story. The power to change the theme. The power to make it cautionary tale or a hero’s journey.

Your story is what you are telling yourself that it is. You are the stories you believe.

This week, write a better story for yourself. Reframe a negative into a positive. Share something you are struggling with and how you are rewriting those thoughts to see it differently.


Reframe Your Life


Know Yourself