Do you woo?
Woo (v.)
to try to gain love, affection or support
to seek the favor, affection, or love of, to invite (via
Everything in the universe is made of energy. And energy has a way to conveying messages. And I believe in messages from the universe.
We don’t question how a phone call gets made or a text message appears.
But have you ever had that phone call come just as you were thinking about that person? Or you see something that reminds you of someone, and you get a text from them?
That’s the woo. The universe trying to make connections, to invite something into your life by sending the support or love that you need.
It’s really easy to overlook those things. Discount them as woo-woo (more of a derogatory view of things we can’t explain). Chalk them up as a synchronicity.
Synchronicity (n.)
an apparently meaningful coincidence in time of two or more similar or identical events that are causally unrelated (via
We can be afraid to assign real meaning to them because that would mean there is real power to the universe. If we don’t assign real value to them, then we won’t admit to their power. Their truth. That our energies are all connected. That what we do in this life MATTERS. And what that means about the life we’ve been living. Playing small. Keeping our dreams in a drawer. Keeping our light to ourselves. Forgetting our magic.
We hold ourselves back because we worry about what other people will think. Those things you worry about yourself aren’t even the way people see you. They have a different version of you in their head. And you can’t even control that. Because it is shaped by their own thoughts, feelings and experiences. So do you. I think we worry so much about life because it DOES matter. Deep down we know it. That you do have a life’s goal, a soul agreement, a connection with a great power and it scares the shit out of you.
We sabotage ourselves, admit defeat before we even try. There certainly are days I want to be one of the many, somehow burying those desires, living by short-sighted whims, avoiding immediate discomfort, not feeling like there is greater meaning to our existence. Man, that would feel nice. Take the pressure off. For a little bit. Before it starts to take more energy to keep ourselves small, to pull others down with us rather than living a live that lights us up, to feel the boost of knowing our inner magic and sharing with the world.
“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.”
I’m just learning about the work of C. G. Jung, that the cornerstone of his thought was the possibility of an intelligent and responsive universe, acting a reacting to our interests. I’ve been tapping into the magic on synchronicity, but I hadn’t looked into the origination of the thought and concept. (I Ching is now high on my reading list) Since it’s so subjective, the value of it is often dismissed. Blown off as a coincidence or viewed as not important since it can’t be explained by science or proven by fact.
But I can’t dismiss what I feel.
What I do know from my experience is that I have received numerous experiences of synchronicity, aligning numbers, a resource showing up, symbolic objects crossing my path, opportunities coming my way. I believe that somehow they bring good into my life. And the more I am open to receive them, the more they show up just when I need them.
Need a spot to keep track of your moments of synchronicity? The Firefly Scout Evidence Journal is specifically designed to help you notice and capture these special moments and lead you to your ‘aha’ moments.
The Right Spot
A tag placed on every chair, another reminder I’m in the perfect spot.
While in Vegas this month on my trip with my best friend from high school, scouting out the perfect lounge chair situation (right on the sun/shade border), out of literally a sea of hundreds of lounge chairs, we ended up in just the right spot.
They were in a quiet area, perfectly sunny for me and shaded for my friend. And each one tagged for placing poolside orders.
I’m not sure how this started, and I have thoughts about what it signifies, but in the last couple years I started noticing how this number frequently shows up for me.
On the clock
Podcast or music time stamps
Distance on my workouts
And now poolside deck chairs, in just the perfect spot
A little wink from the universe while I was on this fun, restorative trip, flirting a little to say I’m on the right path, in just the right spot, to enjoy the light as I find my edge.
Another example
Feathers showing up in the most synchronistic of places, bringing magic to my day.
All of a sudden I’ve started seeing feathers. Lying on the ground, usually during my walks. And you might say, well yes, that’s where you would expect to find them. But on my walks is where I can let the mind in me process things, think things out and get inspired ideas. And it’s just when I have a breakthrough or a release of something that’s been on my mind, does one catch my eye. Right at my feet.
I never see them when I am looking for them. Believe me, I’ve tried. They only seem to show up when I most need that wink from the universe. That high-five to say you did it, you’re on the right path.
After seeing so many, I looked up the spiritual meaning of feathers, and I started crying. Because I felt the weight of truth in it, that my intuition was right on. That feathers are a sign from universe, that you are on the right path, validation and may carry a message from the spiritual realm.
They have shown their magic on repeat. I’m journeying through The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron again with a group of amazing women led by Jaime Handley from Monastic Mamas and we’re on the 3rd week of the experience together. And at the end of the chapter about recovering our sense of creative power and tuning into synchronicities, when I’ve had powerful a-ha moments and a release of the creative worries I’ve been carrying, this pile of feathers I’ve found at synchronistic moments appears. Showing up in a book I had randomly stuck them in weeks ago for safekeeping, at the end of this powerful chapter, on the week that I needed to feel this connection. Because of course they do.
So maybe that is what all of this is about. To listen to the wooing of the universe. Showing me signs to love it more, to listen to its invitations to call me in. It’s my call to make a change that I’ve dared to put into my journal and speak them into existence, leaving the “security” I’ve created. To know that it is for my highest good. And trusting that the next steps will reveal themselves to me.
Ask yourself, what are your heart’s dreams? You don’t have to tell me, but write it down. Tell the universe. Speak it into existence. See what magic appears.
“Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace, and power in it.”
Believing the woo
If this feels a little too woo for you, I challenge you to try this experiment and keep your eyes open to receive your own bit of magic. See what catches your eye right at a moment you need a boost. What does it feel like to believe that this is a special message meant just for you?
Do you notice repeating numbers? Do they have a special meaning to you? Let me know if you receive winks from the universe. Tell me what your synchronicities look like!
And if you are looking for a tool to guide you through the process of trusting your inner knowing about the synchronicities that catch your attention, I invite you to explore the Firefly Scout Evidence Journal. This specially designed notebook guides you through the process of noticing these little winks from the universe and learning how to trust them to guide you toward living a life that lights you up.
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Stephanie Rose is a mom, wife, business owner and a forever student in finding ways to know herself better. She acts as guide for your own journey, sharing insights, tools and practices to help you remember your magic and live a life that lights you up. Sign up for her newsletter and check out her free personal growth resources.
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