Be Brave with Your Life
What does brave look like?
Make a list of what you think brave looks like.
And then let’s talk about what bravery really looks like in your life.
Perfection over Perfect
Perfect or perfection?
Similar words, but can guide your life in wildly different ways.
A-ha Moments
This week or so has brought about a number of 'a-ha' moments I had and connecting the dots. That wonky feeling I'd been sitting with is blowing over and bursts of connection and inspiration are coming through. Read to find out more.
Tips to Connect Your Dots
Stuck for inspiration on how to connect your dots?
We don’t all have a magic fairy godmother making our wishes come true with a couple of mice and a pumpkin.
Connect the Dots
Do you remember doing connect-the-dot pages in you coloring books growing up?
Where you put your pencil down at the starting point and go from point to point, following the numbers as they increase.
The Art of Resetting: Discovering the Permission to Redefine Your Path
Today marks the longest moments of daylight for the year with the Summer Solstice in full effect. And with the changing of the seasons, it feels like a good time check in with yourself, initiate a reset and give yourself the permission to flourish in your life.
Summer Time, excellent! (and valuable tips to make your summer feel like you're making it awesome)
The Summer Solstice represents peak daylight and a shift toward shorter days, which I feel is ironic since summer is really just getting started and the days seem to still stretch endlessly ahead. And there is so much more growth and abundance ahead. So if you are feeling like you have had your peak moment in life, take a cue from Mother Nature and remember that there is so much to look forward to, even when things try to tell you differently.
Mindset Monday- Put the Phone Down
Do you feel like there is something that you are wandering about a bit aimlessly in your life, that you want to find yourself, know yourself better?
Well the good news is that you aren’t really lost, but you do need to do some work to uncover your true self.
Pop Quiz: Your Biggest Distraction is Closer Than You Think
Quiz time!!
Quick, name something you do 50+ times a day, generally without thinking. Click to find out what’s the culprit and how to break the habit.
Mindset Monday- Summer Time Bucket List
I’ve decided on my mantra for summer! Another thing I get to ✅ on my bucket list and a way to help remind me to enjoy my summer by making the most of it.
Summer Bucket List
After more than a year of feeling in limbo, I’m ready to be more intentional with my summer days to make it feel like I’m getting the most out this time of year.
Mindset Monday- The Art of Noticing
How much do you see each day?
We ‘see’ things all the time but do they really have our attention, reach our awareness?
Our lives are shaped by what we notice.