When Everything ISN'T Coming Up Roses

As much as I love talking about a growth mindset and knowing yourself better, I want you to know that I don't always follow my own advice.

In fact, I need reminders on the daily.

On the hourly.

Every dang moment of the day.

(I'd really love someone to gently nudge me along all day, keeping my aligned with my highest self, is that too much to ask?!)

Life is sometimes really effing hard. And we have  moments  that creep (or body slam) into us and we just can't life anymore.

Behind the scenes of the Firefly Scout life, there are moments of yelling, shit-losing, crying in the bathroom, doom-scrolling.

Just like at your house.

Maybe better, maybe worse depending on the moment or how many  unmet needs  we are dealing with.

Me, managing my roses some days

Know Yourself

It's not that we are trying to eliminate these moments entirely.

It's not possible. They are woven into the human experience.

What we want to do is be able to take a step back and notice how they are happening FOR you, not TO you.

To see what they are showing you-

  • that you need a specific kind of rest

  • it's time to try a new way of doing things

  • you need help, guidance or support

  • something in your environment needs to change

When things aren't coming up roses, use it as a helpful reminder that it could be a good time to change things up.

  • new tools

  • revisiting unused practices

  • give the good a boost of "fertilizer"

To stop doing the same thing, expecting different results.

Tend to your garden with the right tools

When these moments come up, it's a good time to tap into your inner knowing and let it guide you.

I don't have a magic genie to help you, but it does help to have a built-in resource to refer to when these moments come up.

The Firefly Scout  Illumination Kit  is a great place to start to help you start to build that library of self-knowledge and give you pieces to start navigating through life's moments with a clearer sense of direction.

Think of it as a a guide to handle invasive species through integrative gardening techniques.

What are some of the tools you need to dig out of your "tool shed" to help make those roses really start to thrive?

Go Inward

When things start coming up roses again

What is coming up in your garden this week?

Is it what you expected? What can you weed out to give the "roses" in your life space to shine?

Use this prompt to help you name the "roses" in your life and what is invading your garden of life and distracting you from living a life that lights you up.

This week, notice what really matters in your life and how you can better support yourself in making that really be noticeable in your garden of life. Maybe draw a picture or create a collage to give you a visual to connect with.

And make a promise to yourself that you be your own best gardener, cultivating your garden with the right set of tools to make your roses stand out!

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Stephanie Rose is a mom, wife, business owner and a forever student in finding ways to know herself better. She acts as guide for your own journey, sharing insights, tools and practices to help you remember your magic and live a life that lights you up. Sign up for her newsletter and check out her free resources.


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