Seeing Beyond the Sky: Fireworks and the Power of Perspective

This week has us all out of routine, I almost didn't send out the newsletter because I forgot what day it was.

We went up north on Thursday and came back Sunday to avoid traffic and enjoy the summer heat at the pool versus the lake for the holiday.

It's all about balance, lol.

What the Glow Shows Us

While we were up north, we celebrated with our 3rd annual fireworks fest.

And this time we amped up the firepower a bit!

I've long loved fireworks (maybe I have a thing for things that light up the night) so this is a fun tradition we have started.

It was exciting (and loud, and a moment of scary) lighting them up and experiencing them at close range.

But what I noticed is that I enjoyed the sparkly explosions differently than when watching as part of a crowd.

Watching from a distance, where I see the bursts framed against the larger night sky.

Seeing from a different perspective, taking in the whole experience and feeling the sense of anticipation and awe with each muffled launch and heart lurching explosion.

It is only by stepping back from a situation that we can truly see its full dimensions.
— Unknown

Too Close

For our family fun fest, the thrill of creating our own magical show got a bit overshadowed by the worry of debris falling into our eyes as we craned our necks skyward.

We took cover under the overhanging roof, which obscured the view a little.

The bangs at close range rattled our senses and a misfire escalated our heart rate.

(firework safety is NO JOKE!)

Being so close left me feeling a little less than magical and overwhelmed.

Know Yourself

You may have heard the phrase "being in the weeds". Feeling caught up in details and losing perspective on what really matters.

Where in your own life are you experiencing a situation at close range? Creating overwhelm and losing clarity or enjoyment?

How can you take a step back and let yourself see it from a new perspective or approach it differently?

Use this prompt to start seeing things from a different perspective and tap back into the magic of the experience.

And have no worries, our evening ended safely and on a high note. We went down to the lake a caught the end of the show a neighbor was launching over the water.

And tapped back into that sense of awe and possibility with each glowing dot dancing through the night.

Wishing you a week where you carry that spark of magic within you, and maybe appreciate it from a new perspective.


Unveiling Your Inner Dialogue: Noticing the Words That Keep You Stuck


Follow the Fireflies: A Journey to Discover What Sets Your Heart Aglow