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Thoughts on Seeking Clarity in Life

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We always want to know what’s coming, get a glimpse of the destination while we are on the journey. But sometimes it’s not where we need to aim our focus.

T​his week I picked up my trial contacts after getting my eyes checked a couple weeks ago. Different brand, different prescription so my optometrist ordered several days worth of the new ones for me to try out before ordering a year's supply. My prescription shifted a notch in both eyes, so I've been wearing the new prescription for a few days now and it is just not working for me.

The Downside of Clarity

The idea is that the new prescription is supposed to sharpen up my distance clarity, but the downside is that it is messing with my closer and middle distance clarity. My brain is having a hard time getting used to it and I've had a "fried brain" headache to let me know. And repeated frustration over not seeing things as well up close like I used to.

So what does this have to do with personal growth?

Lately I've been wanting to have more clarity and confidence about the future, have a stronger sense of knowing of where I'm going. But it's causing me to lose clarity on the next steps right in front of me. I feel frustrated that I am not as easily seeing the next right step, in life, with my business. I'm so caught up in gaining clarity about the end result, the destination, that I'm feeling more lost along the way.

Just like with my new contacts, the clarity I gain seeing things in the distance is messing with my ability to function in the now or near future.

And it's not feeling like it's worth the headache.

So now what?

For my eyesight, I'm going to do some experimenting with my contacts, testing one old prescription with a new one and then switch eyes. See if there is some middle ground I can find without feeling overcorrected or see if I just need to go back to the prescription that was working for me, even if things were a little blurry in the distance.

For life, business and all the things, I'm going to ease up on myself in needing to have absolute clarity about the end game of all of this. Because life really is about the journey, the moment we are in. Trusting that having a direction I feel confident moving in, my WHY, is enough to guide me toward it, one step at a time.

Get Back to What Works

To do this I'm going to get back to the practices that brought my clarity and aha moments in the past, made me feel courageous enough to take all of the steps I've taken so far on this journey.

  • stream of consciousness journaling each day

  • getting more sleep to recoup from all of the mental processing

  • giving myself pep talks and acknowledging all the ways I am showing up for myself​

  • continuing with my daily walks, but noticing more of the world around me

  • finding short moments of more quiet and downtime throughout the day

Large and small, they have all added up each time I persistently showed up for myself. Following these practices will help me with the actual clarity I need to keep moving toward living a life that lights me up.

Make Adjustments

Does your life's vision prescription need adjusted? Take some time and reflect on if you have clarity in the right areas of your life. Where do you need to shift your focus so that you can take better steps forward?

If you are looking for a guide to help you with finding your clarity, check out the Illumination Kit. It will help you uncover your WHY and guide you through clarity building steps to help you figure out your prescription for what living a life that lights you up means to you so you can focus on what really matters.

Less headaches, more confidence, clearer vision for what's in front of you.

This post appeared in part in my newsletter. If you would like having easy to try tips to guide you toward living a life that lights you up delivered to your inbox, sign up for the Firefly Scout newsletter.

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