Personal Growth Stephanie Rose Personal Growth Stephanie Rose

Building Your Runway: The Foundation for Success

Starting a new project or goal can be exciting, but it can also be overwhelming. One of the key factors in achieving success is to build your runway - a strong foundation that sets you up for consistency and progress. By taking the time to play with your habits, you'll be better equipped to stay motivated and focused on your goals. Whether you're starting a new business venture, pursuing a personal passion, or making a significant life change, building your runway can help you start living a life that lights you up. Learn what you can do build your own runway for finishing the year with intention and feeling confident heading into the new year.

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Mindset Monday Stephanie Rose Mindset Monday Stephanie Rose

Is Life Passing You By?

That's a funny thing about time, it passes no matter what you do. But how you spend it makes a difference. It can move by slowly in the moment and yet feel like it moved at warp speed once you're through it. Read to learn how you can check in with yourself to make sure life isn’t just passing you by.

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General Stephanie Rose General Stephanie Rose

Finish Strong

December 1st 2019, I challenged myself to end the year strong so I could head into 2020 with a good foundation. Using my Apple watch, I made the promise to myself to close the 3 fitness rings each day – daily calorie burn, minutes of exercise and standing hours. And so I started day 1 with keeping that promise to myself, walking 1.94 miles on the treadmill after the kids went to bed. And then day 2 and 3… Before I knew it, I WAS STREAKING! (ummm, did I ever think that was something I would declare to the world?!).

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