Do you feel the ache of your unmet dreams?

Goals that never seem to be nothing closer than impossible?

Do you feel-

  • like you are stumbling at every turn?

  • stuck by your fears?

  • unsure what your direction in life even is?


If you have ever wanted…

- deep insight into the truest sense of yourself

- to understand the nuances of how you show up best in this life

- the confident knowing of THE purpose your heart is drawn to


I'm opening up a new opportunity.

If you dare to take this journey with me

  • To learn how your heart speaks to you and to more fluently understand your unique heart language

  • Reaveal where you have been holding yourself back

  • Gain insights on what your heart is directing you toward (and what feelings are holding you back)

  • And learn how to take confident aligned action in making them a reality…


Tap into the dreams on your heart and radiate with your unique signature glow.

Human Design is like the short-cut to cutting through the ‘shoulds’ of life and tune into what lights you up.

If you are curious to learn how life can feel more easeful, and that every day you are heading in the direction of your dreams, the Firefly Scout Signature Codes shine a light into the nuances of what makes you unique. And reveals how you can navigate life with ease, confidence and clarity.


The Journey Begins Soon!

If you're ready to understand (and take action on) what holds you back from living a life that lights you up, get your name on the waitlist and be the first to get started!

green and brown backpack on rock

    We respect your privacy and understand the inbox overwhelm. Unsubscribe at any time.


    I’m tingling with excitement over what’s ahead.

    Nervous sure, but feeling the feeling of what it’s like on the other side of that fear, when I’m experiencing my heart’s dreams coming true… it’s magical.

    Come start the journey with me and feel that tingle of living a life that lights you up.

    Here's to listening to our hearts… and living a life that lights us up!