Wishes are Like Spells

Wishes seem to be one of the most common ways we ask for change on a near daily basis.

Wishing for more… time, money, self-love

Wishing for new… habits, outlook, life

Spell (n.)

A word, phrase or form of words supposed to have magic power; charm; incantation (via dictionary.com)

Wishes are like spells.  It’s putting a desire into words, saying the magic words and POOF, the spell is put into motion.


And birthday wishes are no different.


Birthday Wishes

My youngest had his birthday last month, turning 5.  He’s had his mind set on a particular Lego set for MONTHS.  One that is more than we usually spend on a present.  But this kid has been wanting this set for at least 3 months.


It started with one of those small pouch sets that they got as a small treat and on the back of the instructions it featured the much larger kits that go in the series.  And that was all he talked about for days, weeks even.  He carried the paper around so much I had to tape it back together. 


Proof of well-loved instruction sheet

Proof of well-loved instruction sheet

It went to bed with him, he told everyone about it.  It got to be so much that we had to make rules, out of frustration to NOT talk about it (maybe not the best parenting move).  And now all these weeks later, forever in kid time, it was still the top thing on his birthday list. 


And that’s what he got, because anything else would have been a disappointment.  The universe had no other choice but to make it happen.


He had such a passion about it, talking about building it, really seeing it in his life.  Not demanding it, just having such an energy about it, believing it was already his. How often do we dare to dream that much?  To declare your goal and really believe it to be true?  To make it impossible for the universe to deny?  Let’s all embody the confidence of a fresh 5-year-old and put our wishes out into the world.

Half-Birthday Wishes

Half birthday banana bread.png

My half-birthday is today and I’m getting pretty excited to do a mid-year check-in. I’ve never wildly celebrated it, but I feel this year needs a big something as I take a moment to see where I’m at half-way through this trip around the sun.

​To go along with helping me celebrate it, I made a loaf of my favorite banana bread. In the spirit of half-birthdays, I made a half recipe (no way I’m not making a whole loaf!)

​Designating some time to put some thoughts to paper, even a few minutes at a time, is helping me organize my thoughts and align my thoughts and actions toward my goals for the 2nd half of my 42nd year. (My husband helpfully pointed out that if it’s my half-birthday, then it’s like I’m 21 again, lol!).

Knowing the power of the words I put out into the universe, using the tools in the Illumination Kit, I’ve been journaling about it, resetting my goals and naming my spells, errr, wishes for the 2nd half of my year. Even starting with asking myself ‘what-if?’

You can see how I'm using it in this video (believe me, it's worth it just for my entertainment value)

 I bet that you have wishes that you want come true, just like my kiddo. Maybe not for a Lego set, but for something that your heart wants just as badly. Dreams you’ve put on the back burner, passions you want to explore, ways to live your life that feel more meaningful. But for that to happen, you have to name them, have enthusiasm about them. Focus your energy, even the limited amount you feel you can manage to spare, and start casting those spells, I mean wishes.

To celebrate this half-year birthday, I’m sharing it with you!

To help your wishes come true, to inspire you to take action today, I want to give you something. The FireflyScout.com shop is loaded with a coupon code that will work for the first 5 people to complete check out. ​

I want my wish for more women to live a life that lights them up to come true! Use the code HALFBIRTHDAY (all caps) on the Illumination Kit and you will get HALF-OFF! I told you this half-birthday needed some big time celebrating!

Offer starts now and goes until the just before barest breath of midnight, October 14 (10/14/21, 11:59pm est)

I’d love to know if you celebrate half-birthdays in some way. Or do you have other times of the year that you use as a reminder to take some time to reflect and reset. What words are you using, and how can you use them to invite changes into your life? Leave a comment or send me a DM on Instagram.

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