Firefly Scout

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You are not alone

A common theme I'm hearing (and experiencing) is feeling like we're in a low point. The celebration of the holidays (though different this year) still brought something to look forward to, even if it was just putting 2020 behind us.  The days are feeling long and the year stretching out endlessly before us. The optimism and hope we carried as we set our resolutions is wearing thin. We're feeling that sense of depression and anxiety, whispering sweet terror like "I thought things would be different by now" or "How am I going to keep going?"

Does this resonate with you?

Take heart my fellow Fireflies! First, know you are NOT ALONE! As someone who has a hard time articulating their feelings and instead lets things brew in my head, I was feeling like something was wrong with me. I finished the year strong, have great goals I'm shooting for and can't really complain about life. After braving my tendency to keep things bottled up and talking with my amazing friends this week, it released some of that pressure and let me look up and see it's not just me. And it's not just you. So many moms in my local Facebook groups feel this too right now. We're all feeling this weight, carrying it like a trophy.


There is no award for being the most miserable!


Have you made your situation worse because you were trying to martyr yourself through it?  Just giving more and more of yourself so that you could gripe about it, inviting people to listen to your complaining?  Bringing them down to your level of dissatisfaction.


Let’s take a breath.  Let’s be deliberate about how we move through this time.  Open your eyes to the situation, honoring and acknowledging how you feel and feeling the odd comfort of knowing it's not just you, I hope you start to feel a sense of knowing that this is temporary.  You won’t feel like this forever, especially as you acknowledge it and start to shift your focus and mindset.   Looking into what you're feeling and honoring it is important to process this moment. And then remember- You have the power to change your energy around how you feel. You have the permission to move through these feelings and let go of the ones that are keeping you from being the best you.

You're saying sure, but really? Wallowing feels so much easier and this ice cream tastes soooo good!  I hear you.  Been there.  True it seems to feel easier to stay in this state, but it's not a place you want to stay forever.  There is so much more to life, even with the current state of the world!  Here are some ideas to help with moving these feelings through the process-

  • Journal about how you are feeling

  • Talk with a friend open and honestly about how you're feeling. Give each other five minutes to vent and the other listen. Switch roles.

  • Write out what you are releasing and ceremonially burn it (safely) and release it to the universe.

  • Genuinely laugh. Feel joy.

  • Celebrate that we are more than halfway to spring! Buy yourself a plant or flowers.

  • Dance party to a favorite song (a great way to literally shake up that energy)

  • Rest. Take the dang nap. Acknowledge your revenge bedtime procrastination habits. Go to bed on time.

  • Spend time outside. Even on a dreary winter day. Hug a tree. Feel grounded.

I admit I needed these reminders for myself and haven't tried them all yet (revenge bedtime I'm looking at you and this book).  Hoping that this gives you a renewed energy and commitment to address how you're showing up in life and shifting your attitude. This quote on Instagram from my favorite show sums up the mindset I'm channeling on the days I need it and hope it connects with you. I’m being deliberate with my time and using action-based thinking as I plan my day and week.  May it serve you well to tackle what you need to and now honor that effort with a restorative weekend or day off.

In summary, acknowledge how you feel. Honor it. Release it. Know you are not alone.  The world won’t feel this way forever. Start taking a deliberate step or two to move out of wallowing. Do you need an ear to listen?* Are you looking for more ideas? Need an accountability buddy? I'd love to hear what's making you laugh and bring joy! Want to share a success or breakthrough? Comment below or send me an email at -I’d love to help give a boost and kick that wallowing to the curb!

*ps as a note I am not licensed as a therapist and feedback is given as a layperson interested in personal growth. Consult with a medical professional to further discuss any concerns.

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