Firefly Scout

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The Art of Resetting: Discovering the Permission to Redefine Your Path

Today marks the longest moments of daylight for the year with the Summer Solstice in full effect. As a midpoint of the year and with the changing of the seasons, it feels like a good time to reset, to make some shifts. But we feel stuck actually making any changes. In this journal entry, learn how to acknowledge you need a reset and the simple practice to implement it in your own life.

What we think we need

Life has a way of creating a world of overwhelm. Competing priorities and not enough capacity is a recipe for a continuous cycle full of stress and anxiety. You get caught up in the swirl and life as you know it starts to overtake you. What is it you think you need to have before you can initiate a reset? It certainly can’t be as simple as just starting to make changes.

As I talk about in the Illumination Kit guidebooks, based on my own journey, sometimes we feel like we need permission to do the things, to feel the feelings, to change things that are no longer serving us.

And we forget that we can give that to ourselves. In fact, it’s the only kind of permission we really need.

That we can take a breath, a pause. But sometimes we need that nudge to declare it’s time for a reset.

Permission: A long held, internalized belief that you need a special ‘okay’ in order to take the steps you need, for growth for change, to restart, to reset.

Give yourself permission

We sometimes feel like we are held by these unwritten rules about what changes we can make in our lives. This can stem from views held by our family, society, the identities we embody and the evidence we have collected in our life experiences.

You can feel like you need personal permission to change. And there is truth to that, because it is a journey of transformation and you need personal buy-in. Change requires courage to begin, the capacity for consistent aligned action, and the belief that it is possible.

The great news is that it's something you can give yourself at any moment. Break free from self-imposed limitations and ways of operating, and start living a life that truly lights you up!

Begin the change

Our minds have A LOT to say about things, especially when something wants to interfere with our status quo. Even when that status quo is actually pretty uncomfortable. To our minds, known discomfort is better than whatever is unknown. It takes an intentional shift from thinking to knowing, from permission to using your innate authority to make change possible in your life.

You are "allowed" to do what's best for yourself. Take that control back from your mind, your sub-conscious and to those that you have given it away.

Take a few moments to ask yourself where do you need a reset in your life? Where do you most need to create change? What direction does your life need to take to have it feel more meaningful, purposeful, easeful? Use your journal to help you sort out your thoughts and quiet the mind.

Spend some time in nature, soaking up the energy of the sun, the sounds of untamed life around you and the possibilities that float on the breeze. In those quiet moments, see what comes up.

  • Listen to what your body is telling you

  • Follow your intuition

  • Name and honor your feelings

  • Live your WHY

You aren’t trying to figure out each step of the journey. You are tuning into the feeling that you want to reset your way of being into experiencing. And let in that little voice that starts to tell you what changes your inner being wants you take, to feel fulfilled, to be closer to living a life that lights you up.

Remember that the mind speaks urgently and with questions of fear. Your inner knowing shares quietly, calmly, like an all-knowing guide. Because after all, it is. Listen to what it has to share with you and don’t pass judgement about whether it is possible, or you have “earned” it at this point in your life.

Grant yourself the authority and tell yourself aloud-

✨I have permission to change ✨

✨I have permission to grow ✨

✨I have permission to glow ✨

By taking this time to reset, it opens up the space to start pursuing your dreams, make choices aligned with your authentic self, and explore limitless possibilities.

Authorize your permission to change

As a visual thinker, I do best when I have something visual to refer to. To help us both, I created a permission slip, empowering you to unleash your full potential and embrace joy, passion, and purpose. It reminds you of the promise you are making to yourself.

Collect your thoughts and feelings about what kind of change you need in your life, where you need a reset, using the practice outlined above. This is a powerful moment of transition in your life. Create some significance for this moment by settling yourself in a spot that feels good to you. Put on some music, light a candle, have your journal on hand to write out any feelings that come up.

Tune into the vibration of the power of this moment. The power you are entrusting in yourself. Repeat the permissions you are giving yourself aloud and notice how they feel in your body. Do you notice a tingling of excitement, a sense of peace, a sense of “it’s finally happening.”

Fill out the permission slip and feel the universe start to put things in motion. Take a deep breath. Give yourself a hug. Smile to yourself with the knowing that this is the moment things are starting to change. And you are ready to embrace what comes.

Download your permission slip now to ignite transformation within you and embark on a remarkable journey of self-discovery. You hold the inner knowing to set the direction for where you want to go on your life journey. Stop holding yourself back and give yourself the freedom to start living a life that lights you up!

Let me know if you are giving yourself permission to reset in this season. What area of your life do you feel could use a reset? How can you use the abundance of the summer vibes to support yourself on this journey?

When you fill it out, I’d love to see it! Post to Instagram and declare it to the universe. Use #fireflyscout or tag me on Instagram @FireflyScout

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Stephanie Rose is a mom, wife, business owner and a forever student in finding ways to know herself better. She acts as guide for your own journey, sharing insights, tools and practices to help you remember your magic and live a life that lights you up. Sign up for her newsletter and check out her free resources.

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