Firefly Scout

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Mindset Monday- The Art of Noticing

How much do you see each day?

We ‘see’ things all the time but do they really have our attention, reach our awareness?

Our lives are shaped by what we notice.

Brain Filters

Going back to what I learned in reading Unhackable, our RAS, Reticular Activating System, in our brains, I’m adjusting my filters to reshape my life by what I let into it through what I notice. Bringing back some conscious awareness to what shapes my life.

I’m noticing where my time goes. Noticing my immediate world around me. Noticing where my thoughts go. Noticing what makes me light up.

I’m interested to use my senses be more present in the world around me. And to do more living of my life rather than letting it happen.

Your Turn

Take a moment right now and notice something. Something in the environment around you. A sensation you feel in your body. A thought you hold in your mind. Think of it as the art of noticing. It will take some practice to relax and allow it to filter through the noise.

If you like it, consider how you could add more of it into your life. If you don’t, how can you lessen it, change it?

Leave a comment if you took a moment to notice and tell me if you’re excited to see what shifts you will start to make.

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