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It Takes All Kinds (of Rest)

The universe is always giving nudges to show us exactly what we need. Sometimes it shows up in your scroll, if we are paying attention. I came across this Instagram post recently and it helped me name something I didn't even know I could. It talks about the different types of rest that we can need.

Not just the sleeping kind.

The kind where even your soul feels tired.

I’ve been resisting the “New Year, New You” energy and consciously choosing to have a slower start to the year. Our Christmas tree is still up and I’m feeling the hygge and enjoying the warm glow while the days have been overcast. The dreams, the journeys (aka goals) I’m embarking on for the year intentionally aren’t kicking off for another week or two. I’m not behind. I could just tell I needed to really sit in the stillness of the season before diving in.

Winter officially started December 21. I’m just following the intent and energies of the season. And this season is about rest. Going inward. Restoring the deepest parts of me. Setting intentions for the seasons ahead. Anticipating. Preparing. Setting the charge for what this year has in store for me, so that I am ready to embody all that these journeys will show me and where they will lead me.

Types of Rest

We all know we need to get our sleep. Restoring our physical body is an important part of our well being. The Calm & Cozy Book of Sleep by my friend Beth Wyatt is amazing for helping with understanding and taming our sleep hangups. And I’m suuuuper guilty of sleep sabotage, especially when it’s what I need most (like the worst!).

But what I didn’t realize is that rest can look like so much more than just getting to bed at a reasonable time. In her Instagram carousel Nicola Jane Hobbs lists different kinds of rest with some great examples-

  • physical rest

  • mental rest

  • emotional rest

  • psychosocial rest

  • sensory rest

  • spiritual rest

  • creative rest

  • playful rest

  • ecological rest

  • altruistic rest

The examples that were included with each one were really helpful in understanding the differences between the types of rest and how they can show up for you. Make note of which ones you feel pulled to physically, mentally or emotionally.

Name to tame

Naming my unmet needs has been a helpful practice. Having a name for these specific categories of rest and her examples has been really helpful for me the past couple of weeks in naming and getting the types of rest I was needing.

  • taking time to lay down and reset, physically find equilibrium

  • listening to fewer podcasts to let my own thoughts process

  • enjoying longer walks (and remembering what my walk streak has taught me)

  • journaling more deeply and being vulnerable with myself

  • drawing out maps of my journey ahead and playing with my markers

  • wearing clothes that make me happy

Doing each of these with intention, with presence, helped amplify the restorative energies. And I could feel my inner self rebalance itself, physically and energetically, a little bit at a time. It’s also helping me understand why I am prone to sleep sabotage, especially when my other rest needs are drained. That awareness is helping me take better inventory of my capacity as it shifts daily, weekly, monthly and anticipate and prepare and restore accordingly.

Reflection and Aligned Action

Take time today to notice what kind of rest you are needing.

Name it.

Take the few moments to honor that need.

Feel restored and show up with more glow in your life.

Where is your glow for life lacking? What kinds of rest are you needing? Is there a different type that you are finding a name for?

Create a list of specific ways you can honor your specific rest needs. Make a promise to yourself to make space for them. Keep that promise by taking aligned action with loving intention for yourself.

Power of Journaling

Use this journal prompt to help you navigate your needs for rest and restoring your glow. If you want some guidance on starting a journaling practice, check out my free guide. My whole perspective on journaling changed when I started using these techniques and cracked open tapping into my inner knowing and building trust with myself.

The Lunar New Year and Human Design New Year were just this week and the energies of starting a new cycle are starting to build into initiating action. Take the time you need to rest and restore and then allow the natural flow of the seasons to carry you forward.

Wishing you rest and inspiration to live a life that lights you up!

Download your free Journaling Guide to help you uncover the types of rest that you need most.

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Stephanie Rose is a mom, wife, business owner and a forever student in finding ways to know herself better. She acts as guide for your own journey, sharing insights, tools and practices to help you remember your magic and live a life that lights you up. Sign up for her newsletter and check out her free resources.

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