Firefly Scout

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Be Contagious

These past two weeks I've been talking about celebration and play on my social feeds. Not every day feels like a holiday, but there is plenty to celebrate each day and add a bit of play to your day.

And what's so big about play? You think, I don't have time for that. I'm too busy adulting. Well for one thing, it's a huge stress reliever along with other health related benefits. That sounds like a prescription I would like unlimited refills on.

When we play, we allow space for us to take a breath, to smile, to laugh at ourselves. We give ourselves the opportunity to lose track of time and find a way to express our inner magic.

This past weekend I had my moments of play spending time outside in the snow, long past when the kids went inside and perfecting my snow luge tracks in our front yard. I think I may have found my calling...

Now recreational snow luge builder wasn't something I set out to do, it found me. But I certainly stumbled into a creative passion that I worked on for a few hours over a couple different days. I figured out the finer points of snow packing, calculated the optimal angle for launch and upped my potential energy by adding a start ramp at the top. And bonus, the kids thought it was pretty awesome too and even lured them outside for a some spontaneous sled runs.

So you never know where your play date will lead. And when you're done, celebrate the fun you had and the joy you brought to yourself and others. It's contagious you know...

So what are some ways you can have a play date with yourself and spread joy?

  • Get out in nature and soak up the beauty around you, wear your boots and don't be afraid to get messy

  • Go somewhere new or haven't been in a while and explore (at this rate that's practically anywhere for us)

  • Buy yourself some flowers and spend some time learning how to make a lovely arrangement

  • Take some pictures of things that catch your eye (post with #fireflyscout and share your joy with the world)

  • Find a quiet spot and curl up with an inspiring book

  • Finally try one of those craft projects you always say you're going to do (plus these water colors)

  • Enjoy a good daydream, especially in a sunny spot

  • Put on an outfit that makes you feel good, try a little something with one of those beauty products you never use

  • Take a trip to Michaels and soak up the spring feelings in the seasonal section

  • Challenge yourself to a fun workout or tag in a friend to do it with you

  • Just say yes more to opportunities that sound fun!

I hope you find your own recipe for creating and spreading joy this week. Celebrate your amazing talents and developing skills. Live more in the moment and let time fly by. Spread joy and share this post with a friend who could use a reminder that you're thinking of them.

If you would like me to send some joy your way or want to tell me how you are spreading joy, comment below or send me an email at -I'm so excited to help you glow!

*post may contain affiliate links which incur no additional cost to you while supporting local bookstores and my ongoing love of books