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Alchemy in Every Step: A Guided Walk to Self-Realization

Welcome to the 3rd week of our All You Bring to the Table series! (Revisit ​week 1​, ​week 2​)

The past couple of weeks we have ​collected some dots​, ​pieces of evidence​, about what we bring to the table and noticing what others bring.

To help us start alchemizing these little knowings, we are going to take ourselves out for a walk.

Alchemy (n): a power or process that changes or transforms something in a mysterious or impressive way. ​Source​

In my nearly 4 year daily ​walk streak​, I have discovered something about the magic that can happen when we take ourselves out into nature.

Movement and Magic

I ​started my streak​ as a way to collect evidence that I could follow through on a challenge to finish, and then start the decade strong.

As it progressed, it has transformed into keeping a ​daily promise​ to show up for myself and restoring my capacity to navigate life as a better version of myself.

I also started to noticed that I needed to show up for myself on these walks in different ways, depending on where my head was at.

Today we are focusing on the Infuse walk.

You can read about the three different types of walks here.

This is where we really start to focus on the evidence and begin to really embody it.

Know Yourself

Improve your life in 15 minutes with an Empowerment Walk on YouTube

This week, mentally or physically gather the lists you have compiled and take yourself on a walk outside.

It doesn't have to be long, but I would allow for at least 15 minutes.

To make this extra easy to use for your own Embodiment Walk, download the free guide to embody your inner power.

  • Start with taking a deep, inward-focusing breath and put one foot in front of the other.

  • Take a minute or two to ​notice and appreciate​ what you see and feel in the world around you.

  • As your muscles loosen and your mind relaxes, reflect on the list of traits that you have collected.

  • Go through each one, taking a moment to hold it with confidence in your heart space. You may want to hold your hand to the spot in your chest or gut where you feel it the most to connect more deeply.

  • When you have gone through your list, walk for a moment more and see if anything else pops up from within.

  • Bring your walk to a close by grounding your feet firmly to the ground, standing tall, put both hands on that spot where you felt that inner connection, close your eyes and take a deep breath, lifting your face up to the sky.

  • Pause in that space, that feeling.

Notice your wholeness. Notice the strength and confidence it builds.

Feel the feeling and imprint it into your being.

Knowing that you can tap into it whenever you need.

Knowing that confidence of all you bring to table.

Embodying this magic is what grows your glow and empowers you to light your own way toward your dreams and living a life that lights you up.

Where does your knowing show up in your body? How do the dreams in your heart let you know that you are on the right path?

Take some moments to keep connecting with that feeling. Take a daily walk or moments of intentional pause to feel that heart swell of feeling and infuse them into how you show up the rest of the day. Notice what happens when you start to embody that sensation and how it radiates from you.

To make this even easier, I’ve created a free guide for you to use for your own Embodiment Walk.

I want you to know I'm so proud of you for taking this journey with me. May you use this week to really embody these nuggets about yourself.

As you build a deeper trust of all that you bring to the table, you will feel more confident using them to guide your journey toward living your dreams that you hold in your heart.

And it can all start today, with a simple list and a walk.

Next week we are going to create the "dish" of what you bring to the table using what you have noticed and embodied these past 3 weeks.

And I can't wait to share the "recipe" with you!

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Stephanie Rose is a mom, wife, business owner and a forever student in finding ways to know herself better. She acts as guide for your own journey, sharing insights, tools and practices to help you remember your magic and live a life that lights you up. Sign up for her newsletter and check out her free resources.

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