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Add some "ta-da!" to your day: My "Let's Play May" Challenge

TL;DR: Join in the fun of adding more play into your day in May. If this sounds like a 'yay' for you, leave a comment and let me know so I can cheer you on!

I see you. Doing ALL THE THINGS to keep your family, job and life going.

It can even make you feel successful, like you are crushing life as you check off another thing on your to-do list.

One step closer to feeling a sense of peace like you have it all ‘under control’.

But when is the last time you added a little play in your day?

Not just noticing when something could be ​reframed​ as a bit of fun, but intentionally made time for a little 'yay' infused play?

I've been feeling the nudge that in order to make progress on the goals in my heart, I need to have a lot more fun along the way.

And so, Let's Play May is unofficially a thing.

It’s more like a way of life that I want to keep up beyond May, but I need some focus and accountability to build the habit with myself.

On IG, I stumbled across this account (@NasNeuro) that had a ​post about the power/importance of using our hands​. And I’ve noticed how there is a sense of satisfaction when you have a tangible result of something getting done. That maybe I can share it in a way that gives me a sense of recognition, when so much of the mental load goes largely unnoticed.

So while I've been ​CRUSHING it on the reading front​ (something that sets this book worm nerd's heart aglow), I wanted to do some hands-on play.

I started with brainstorming a list of things that would be fun to do. And I grabbed my list from my ​More/Less exercise​.

My May Play List

Having a list of things that ‘count’ is a great way to get started. In a way, it’s like coming up with a personal bucket list for fun and play. It takes the pressure off of coming up with an idea in the moment and allows you to anticipate and prepare for it as well. Having something to look forward to and be excited about really adds to the power of the experience.

These are the things that are on my Play List

That's what I have so far.

The idea is that I'll do something each day that feels like play.

More of a ta-da! not a to-do...

The Magic of Play

When we add more play, we feel like we are living a life that lights us up. Because we feel more of the magic, more of the ‘ta-da’ and connect with that inner part of ourselves that dares to dream.

To help you create your own list of meaningful play activities and notice where you are actually holding yourself back from adding more play to your day, consider the following questions.

Ask yourself in your journal, in a quiet moment of reflection or on a walk-

  • What does play look and feel like to me?

  • What stories run through the back of my head when I want to do something just for fun?

  • What are 5 activities that would add some ‘ta-da’ to my day?

  • When I go on Pinterest or scroll online, what crafts, activities or hobbies catch my attention?

Journaling is a great way to draw out answers from deep within ourselves in a way that makes it feel less scary.

Accountability and Tracking

It’s really easy to say you’ll do something and another to follow through with it. Especially consistently. And each time we don’t follow through on something, especially something that is meaningful to our hearts, it’s like breaking a promise with ourselves.

When I was inspired by the idea of showing up for myself each day over 4 years ago, I wasn’t consistent at first. To build consistency with starting a habit, I needed to build my runway. To make a list of the things that “counted” and played with making it fit into my life.

And that’s the same mindset I’m going into with this personal challenge. I deeply know that I need more fun and play and creativity in my life. So the motivation is there. And with the list of ideas to start with, I have made it easier on myself to make it happen.

To help me see where this journey is taking me, I’ll be tracking it and making note of what I’m layering in and carving out time for. And tuning into what other things start to light up as a result.

If you want a tracking sheet and instructions on how you can build this practice into your own life, grab my free printable for following your heart’s desires and living more of a life that lights you up.

Do you want to join me? Leave a comment below. I'd love to know what you add to your list!

Here's to fulfilling your need for daily play and living more of a life that lights you up!

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Stephanie Rose is a mom, wife, business owner and a forever student in finding ways to know herself better. She acts as guide for your own journey, sharing insights, tools and practices to help you remember your magic and live a life that lights you up. Sign up for her newsletter and check out her free resources for personal growth.

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