Firefly Scout

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5 Things Your Future Holiday Self Wants You To Know

I over-peopled this past week.

Between a multi-store run to finish up a couple gifts and get groceries for the week I put myself into a rest & reset deficit before jumping into the different family celebrations. It wasn’t that any of it was terribly stressful or overwhelming, but it all happened back-to-back.

I know myself enough to anticipate and prepare for my well-being's needs. But I'm also quite stubborn, prone to self-sabotage and push myself to do more, so as a result it wasn't quite enough.

The Great Implosion

So to be expected, this did not equate to all things being merry and bright for all of the moments of celebration.

Maaaaaybe you can relate.

The last two weeks (or really month) of the year are a gauntlet of trip hazards.

And it's only inevitable that one (or many) of them is going to trip us up (or blow you up).

And that's okay.

I'm not expecting to navigate the holidays perfectly (and neither should you), but I would like to experience as many as I can to perfection (read how I explain the differences between perfect vs perfection).

So to help my future self, I've started a note to myself to remind future me of-

  • what was actually important and mattered in the end

  • what created that personal sense of perfection 

  • where I pushed myself too much

  • what rest & restore methods I tried & worked

  • what I'm most looking forward to next year (and what to leave behind)

As an enneagram 9, HSP, empath and Human Design Projector, my list is probably going to look a bit different than yours. What pushes my buttons or lights me up is part of what makes me  amazingly awesome. And sometimes I just need  help remembering all of that and this is an easy way to help my future self anticipate & prepare better and stay in better alignment.

So now what?

What would you ask yourself? What are the things that your future self would most appreciate having a heads up about for winter 2023?

I encourage you to take a few moments and ask yourself these questions.

Then put your answers somewhere you will remember to find and look at them next year-

  • Write them out in your journal

  • Add a calendar appointment in your phone in the notes area

  • Write an email to yourself with a follow-up flag

  • Leave as a letter you put in with your holiday decorations

And when the reminder pops up or you open the note, you can anticipate & prepare for the season accordingly.

If you want to start or re-energize your journaling practice, download my free journaling guide. It captures the way I found my way to a journaling method that worked for me as a busy mom. It has freed me from the worries of “doing it wrong” and helped me just blurt out what needed said, on the page.

Whatever method works for you (and your future self) so that you can remember what will make next year more fun, easeful and joyous.

I can already tell your future self is sending you its appreciation.

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