Where we solve the mystery of what lights you up…

and live a life that that you love 💖

Happiness is possible.

Using the foundation of basic science and quantum physics, and applying it to real life.

Part Mad Scientist. Part Mary Poppins.

Pure You.

Life’s busy.

We focus our energy on getting things done, crossing off all the to-dos and hitting inbox-zero…

But the hamster wheel never ends.

Self-care never seems to make it to the top of your priority list.

Burnout is one ‘meeting that should have been an email’ away.

Pouring from an empty cup, numbing out, overwhelmed by the fear that you are one ‘should’ away from everything falling apart.

You feel like ‘living the dream’ is impossible.

That if you say ‘it’s fine’ enough, you might actually believe it.

But your heart knows the truth.

What if…

There was a formula to take the mystery out of how to truly live a life that you love?

You vs. Yourself

Discover how to take the friction out of your everyday life and align yourself with what truly lights you up based on your innate fears, motivations, talents and traits.

When you follow the flow of your inherent energy, you begin to navigate life with more confidence, ease, fun…

And dare I say impossibly awesome.

Start unraveling the mystery of what’s holding you back from following your heart and living a life that lights you up.

Free Resources

Journaling Guide

Sometimes only paper will listen. Learn the proven method to pour out what’s really on your mind and heart so that you can take aligned action with confidence.

Glow Map Mini-Course

Discover how to listen to what your heart is telling you and following the clues by following the map of how to live a life that lights you up.

Curiosity Quest

Fear holds us back in ways we don’t even notice. Using insights based on your Human Design chart, begin the journey of moving through these emotions with this movement meditation.

I’m Stephanie. I’m a mom of two boys, a wife, Dreamer, a great listener, Gilmore girl lover, Human Design 3/5 Splenic Projector, avid reader, nature lover with a decent green thumb and a 5+ year daily walk streak to keep my sanity

…and someone who learned the hard way that it’s so easy to lose sight of yourself by trying to do ‘all the things’ and chasing a dream that’s not what truly sets your heart aglow.

It wasn’t long ago that I was overwhelmed, exhausted from family duties, and feeling like a stranger to my own self. I had had enough. I woke up one morning and decided it was time for a change.

But I had no idea where to start

The internet sent me further down an overwhelm spiral

which came in the form of quick fixes, “try this”, “do more”, “do less”…

None of which felt like me.

I felt even more lost.

So I decided to be my own guide; first by getting out of my head and then getting out into nature, to get away from the noise, literally even if for just a few minutes a day to begin with - and to look within.

I decided to stop looking to others to tell me what I already knew; I simply had to rediscover it within myself.

And that’s what I did.


A few years later, I’m proud to say: not only did I find a way back to my true self, I’ve created an intuitive, heart-driven system and put them into a set of simple, practical, momentum-building guides for other overwhelmed people with a dream in their heart to do the same.


Finding the place where science meets woo.

Facts meet imagination.

Stories set in stone meet the mystery of the unknown.

Where the impossible becomes reality.

What if you are done…

Feeling stuck * Living like a shadow of yourself * Saying you’re ‘fine…’ when you’re not

And you’d love to…

Feel that you are more than a mom, wife, employee * Reset your life * Let your heart lead the way

…the journey begins with the Firefly Scout Glow Map Course.

If you are ready to start feeling alive in your life and believing in the magic of the everyday, then you are ready to start living like a Firefly Scout!

The Glow Map Course is designed to access wherever you are, whenever you have a few minutes in the middle of your busy everyday life.

To help you really feel that you are not alone on your journey, you will receive personal Human Design report that gives you insights into how to speak the unique language of your heart and start noticing the dreams it holds for you.

Are you curious?

I appreciate all the practical tangible reminders you share. I know I need to hear those.
— Nikhi J, mom of one

Wonder what it feels like to rediscover your glow?

Want to start right now?

Explore the mystery of what truly lights you up and how your heart helps you navigate life with more confidence.

Pulling right from the Glow Map Course, I created this free mini-course to help you get a new perspective on noticing your thoughts and experiences and get started remembering your magic.